Sunday, August 25, 2024

I never saw my birth mark

Boone and Maddie showed up at KC's with groceries. Of course, KC looked out of sorts. He didn't have any furniture and the place was kind of mess, but then all he had were his clothes and a mattress on the floor in his bedroom.

"Sorry," he said first thing.

Maddie should have expected it yet she never knew he was so unorganized until now. 

"Do you even have a kettle?" They'd brought him an electric one. Boone had one in the cabinet at home that was just waiting for their's to quit, but it was still going strong.

"Kettle?" He made it sound like a device he wasn't aware of.

"Trust me, you'll use it," she told him. "I think you should stay away from the stove." She knew he didn't cook.

He nodded as if he knew he wasn't to be trusted. She put away the crackers, peanut-butter, bread, and even packages of ramen while Boone washed out the electric kettle and set it up on the counter. 

"I wanted to get you bananas, but I know it would be a waste and it might bring in fruit flies," Maddie put milk and grapes in his empty fridge.

"You know me so well," KC grinned with his hands in the back pockets of his jeans. He was sporting one of his favorite tees, yet was barefooted. He noted the carpet was really nice, but he would probably have to stand in the little square kitchen to eat since he didn't want to get it dirty.

"Well, you could get some kind of vinyl rug to put where you eat, that might help," Boone suggested.

"Oh, he wouldn't know what to get," Maddie eyed him. 

"I'll see what I can do," Boone told him. 

"You're not spending money on him," Maddie flicked Boone in the stomach. "We've done enough. We brought groceries."

Boone sighed while KC went to put on the kettle as if he had to do something. They all stood around in the empty apartment.

"Do you even have any dishes?" Maddie hugged herself.

"Stop mothering," Boone told her. She frowned at him as if who else would do it if it wasn't her. "Where's Millie. I thought she would be here."

"I can't have her over," KC chuckled.

"She'd probably make you buy stuff," Maddie told him he needed some furniture.

"Well, I have to wait on that," he shrugged. "I have my laptop. I have wifi."

KC thanked them for the food. He then mentioned that Ruby and Rafe were right down the hall.

"Do you eat with them?" Maddie was concerned about his daily plan.

"Why would I do that?" KC cracked a smile. "I avoid Ruby as much as I can."

He was even lipped then. The electric kettle shut off, but there were no cups for hot drinks. "I guess I've messed everything up for Ruby. I just-"

"You got a job," Maddie told him. "Maybe it was meant to be."

"You know how you hated Arizona," Boone reminded him he didn't have to make this place his prison. "Maybe in the long run you and Ruby were supposed to be partners, just not in a romantic way."

KC shook with laughter. Oh, he didn't see them being partners in anything. 

Maddie was glad Boone suggested they go thrifting together to make KC's apartment a home.


  1. Maddie and Boone are good friends for KC. They brought him a kettle and some food, knowing he's not well organized. They are also going to thrift some suitable furniture for his apartment.

  2. It reminds me of my first apartment ..

  3. Siempre es bueno ir de compras con alguien. Te mando un beso.

  4. good to have some furniture, even simple ones

  5. "Well, I have to wait on that," he shrugged. "I have my laptop. I have wifi." This made me kinda LOL coz it's so typical:)
    Great chapter as always, Ellie. A great set up for what I'm sure will be juicy drama soon with these cast of characters:)
    PS Thanks for the heads up on Bad Memory Eraser. I read the synopsis and it sounds interesting! Hope you're having a great start to the week so far:)
