Tuesday, August 27, 2024

It feels like all our lives have changed

 Junie was doing her best to be a grownup. After she found out that Maddie was bringing KC something to his apartment, she thought she and Darry should do something.

"Do what?" He wasn't sure what she wanted to do.

"I don't know," Junie shrugged as if they couldn't spend all their time at the Youth Center playing pool and the arcade. After all, they'd had pizza and drinks. She looked at her watch it was just a little after six in the evening on a Friday night. "Lets go see him."

"Sure." Darry smiled. Of course, he wouldn't say no. And he'd won a free two-liter Pepsi so they could bring that. It wouldn't be that long of a walk. Just a couple of blocks. Naturally, they held hands as if they might be glued together.

When they got to the apartments, Junie thought she knew which one was his, but there was no one home. So she thought she might have gotten it wrong. They went to another apartment and there was Rafe.

He looked as if he could slam the door in her face, but she was with Darry so he was cordial.

"What are you two doing here?"

"We came to see KC," she said. She turned to Darry who was carrying the Pepsi like a baby. 

"Oh." He nodded and of course, he gave her an inch and Junie took it. She wanted to see the inside of the apartment, even if it wasn't KC's.

Rafe sighed as if he'd never forget his biggest crush, even if he ran from her from the very beginning.

"Do you like it here?" Junie asked.

"It's home," he nodded. Rafe was in his jogging shorts, and looked as if he was chilling on the couch. Finally, someone came out from the bathroom.

Junie looked at her as it she was suddenly thrilled to meet someone so cool as Rafe's girlfriend. She'd forgotten about KC's ex. After all, he never showed her a picture of her. 

"Hi, I'm KC's little sister," 

"Yeah, that's KC's sister," Rafe smirked. He let them sit on the couch.

Of course, she looked perturbed by this news as she hugged herself. She was in her sleep pants and tank.

"Do you guys go to bed early?" Darry asked as if they might be intruding, but Junnie squeezed his hand as if he wasn't supposed to ask questions like that.

"This is my boyfriend Darry," Junie forgot to mention that.

"Oh, yeah, you work at the library, don't you?" Rafe sat in the old chair that didn't recline anymore.  Ruby sat on the arm of the chair near Rafe. "What are you two up to?"

"Just visiting KC, but I guess he's not home." Darry shrugged. "We brought him a Pepsi I won at Bingo."

"That's so nice of you," Ruby said, but it might have been snide. Although, Junie couldn't really tell. Still, she didn't know what it was about Ruby. It was a certain finesse she had, thought Junie and she wanted to learn it and be it. Still, she knew she was happy with Darry and she knew it was best to be true to herself. After all, Ruby and KC broke up. 

Junie hoped Rafe was happy. She wanted him to fall in love. Yes, he was her crush and she wanted the best for him.



  1. rafe is a everlasting character. is always there:-)

  2. Nice work.

  3. Unexpected guests always can be a surprise.

  4. One more character to make everything much more complicated and interesting. The surprises never end! I think I'm a bit confused by all these relationships and who likes who and who's dating who! I hope you have a good end of August!

  5. This is an interesting situation.
    It's nice to read.

  6. Siempre deseamos lo mejor para quien amamos. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  7. Rafe e Junie. Será?
    Não me lembrava da Junie.

  8. Actually, Junie was there the day Maddie met Rafe at the coffee shop. She is KC's little step-sister. And she has had the biggest crush on Rafe who is pretty much afraid of her because she can be clingy, but since then..she has grown up a lot since she has a boyfriend now.
