Tuesday, September 10, 2024

I used to be tough, I never gave enough


Rafe didn't know what he was doing. Mainly, faking it. He was good at it. Or so his choir teacher always told him. He had the expressions down, just not the voice.

He knew Ruby was having fun too. At least she was getting practice with the recording equipment even if she wasn't really making a real recording.  

Oh, maybe she even loved it and he was happy to see her smile. He hoped she could learn this and maybe even work with KC, who was seldom here anyway. He generally came in for late night sessions with music artists so they never saw each other. 

Yes, it felt splendid at the moment..or so...until Junie showed up, just as he was leaving the recording studio to go back to work.

"What are you doing here?" Naturally, he made a face of disgust. Seriously, the teen could still make his skin crawl. He looked down at her with wide-eyes as if she better get out of here before Ruby found her.

"I..I just want to know," she looked sad. "Are you really happy with her? Really? I mean..you and Maddie-"

"Maddie?" Rafe scowled. How could she even say her name? "Just don't." He glared at her, even lipped. "If you haven't noticed, that ship has sailed."

"I know, but still..you can't let Ruby ruin your life."

"Ruin my life?" He cracked up. "Why would you be even worried?" He shook the curls by putting his hand on the top of her head. "How do you know I'm not happy with her?"

"I can tell." She looked at him blankly. He hated her honesty. He truly did. "It's work being with her."

"Don't say that," he didn't want to believe her. "We're good for each other. We are."

"You believe that?" 

He looked away and nursed the corner of his lip.

"Look it takes time," Rafe really didn't have the time to talk. "I..I know I'm not really good at..at falling in love. Maybe I'm just in love with me." He couldn't help but try to smile. "Not everyone is like you and Darry. I know you know things. But don't worry so much. I'm fine. Everything is fine."

But even as he said it, it was like a faith so foreign to him that he knew it would have to be his mantra as a constant reminder.


  1. Another interesting and complicated situation.

  2. There is a person who knows what Rafe is doing

  3. Uwielbiam twoich bohaterów. Fajnie się czyta każdy rozdział. Można się u Ciebie zrelaksować. Widzę Ellie że też lubisz chłopaków z Korei Południowej. Uwielbiam koreańskich aktorow i aktorki ♥️ Pozdrowionka dla Ciebie z Polski. Uściski

    1. I love your characters. Every chapter is fun to read. You can relax. I see Ellie that you like South Korean guys too. I love Korean actors and actresses ♥️ Greetings to You from Polish. Hugs 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤Oh, I am a Fan of TXT and when he did the "boyfriend" song..I was thrilled. Actually, I hope he makes a drama. I like him so much I have to have him in ELLIE twice as Rafe and his twin brother Cade. Thanks for your comment!

  4. Genial fragmento a veces es duro seguir. Te mando un beso.

  5. Other incredible chapter, I love these characters and their story
    I hope I can read more and more soon
    Have an amazing day!

  6. Me identifiquei com Rafe, não sou boa em me apaixonar.
    Não mais! Beijos!

  7. Hope Raffe is focused what he actually want

  8. Wonderful chapter.
    I can feel for Rafe.
    Some things just take time!
