Sunday, September 8, 2024

I'm the misty rainbow, I'm a falling star

 Maddie thought she lost her hearing and maybe her wits too. She didn't know what was happening to her when she saw Raney walk into the library. There she was at the circulation desk, practically paralyzed, or just mute.

He'd grown taller. So tall. She couldn't help but stare. And his hair was blonde. And he was with someone.

Maddie was about to lose breath. Why was he here? Never did she think they might meet again, but she should have known. This day was going to happen. After all, she didn't text him anymore. She'd blocked him one night when  she decided she couldn't be nice anymore. Next thing she knew when she realized she was an awful person for doing it, she unblocked him, And then his phone number didn't work anymore.

She should have known, but she didn't. He had been the total opposite of Rafe, and she thought she must have taken advantage of that when she was doing her best to get over Rafe. But now Raney was with Harley's cousin Kimmy.

Maddie wanted to say to  her, "Aren't you supposed to be on the West Coast, or something?" Evidently, she was in Kansas, and she'd somehow how found Raney who towered over the blonde girl. And they were very much together. 

They were holding hands. Was he even carrying her bag? No, maybe it was his. She didn't think that was a guy's bag. Why? Why was this all so troubling? After all they were on their own looking at new books. Having a quiet conversation. Smiling. Lips so close.

It made Maddie sick. She hugged herself tightly, hoping she didn't lose it at the public library.

"What is wrong with you?" Boone asked her later when she came home practically a zombie who vegged on the couch. She was straight-lipped. He brought her a mock strawberry daiquiri as if to take her troubles away.

"Oh, it's nothing," she sighed. She needed to get over this. She needed to be happy for Raney, even if she didn't like Kimmy at all. She was certain Kimmy would use Raney up and toss him to the curb when she was finished sucking all the money out of him for cheap thrills.

"It's something," Boone sat across from her. He mentioned something about how his brother expected them to go to this dinner party. "I hope-"

"What?" She looked at him startled and sipped the drink as if she wished he'd put something potent in it. "Let's just date." 

Maddie said it before she could stop herself.

"Can we do that?" He looked a little puzzled.

"Oh, do you need a rule book?" She snapped.

"Well, we..we live together." 

He put down the drink on the coffee table.

"Well, it'll be more convenient," Maddie nodded as she swirled the straw in her icy drink.

"OK." Boone nodded as if he'd just go with it. "But tell me what happened?"

"Oh, it's Raney," Maddie scowled. "He's having a great time with Harley's cousin."


"He's..he's not even the same person," Maddie said as she swelled a frown.

"Well, I don't want us dating..just to get back at him."

Boone looked at her blankly as if he was not one for cause and effect. Maddie nursed her bottom lip.

"It's not like that. It's not. It's know, seeing someone from the past, getting on with things, finally," Maddie sighed. "I want that with you. I have..I just don't know how."

Boone raked his fingers through his shaggy hair. He told her she'd been the friend he needed after breaking up with Lily. Finally, he confessed he'd wanted them to be more than friends too.


  1. It's exciting to read, all these feelings are captivating

  2. Now maybe they can begin to share their lives as a couple.

  3. Finally a step forward! Wow! A good story to cheer me up, as I've been depressed and don't feel like blogging! Thanks for this story Ellie!

  4. One never gets completely over things and people in the past. Maddie got surprised to see her ex-boyfriend with a girl she knew, in the library, and that kind of upset her.

  5. Ellie,
    They say that to forget someone you have to meet someone else. But it's the baggage of the past that always weighs on our decisions to allow ourselves new relationships.
    Kisses and have a good week!!!

  6. Será que ela superou mesmo o Raney?
    Beijos e boas inspirações!
    (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

    1. Did she really surpass Raney?
      Kisses and good inspirations! ❤️❤️❤️❤️I think you would call Raney the inbetweener. He was the guy that she'd asked out after she broke up with Rafe. And he was headed to art school when they graduated. So she decided she didn't want anything long distance and they had dated only a short while. But there was always a guilt that she felt as if she was the bad person in breaking up.

  7. Lindo fragmento . La amistad siempre es un regalo. Te mando un beso.

  8. Pozdrawiam orzeźwiającym deszczem

  9. I think I never say you before but I love the edits that you use for complete your posts
    I hope you have a wonderful day, I had a really bad one today
    Hugs ♥

  10. hola
    uy, me ha dejado intrigada... que pasara?

  11. It takes courage to admit you want to be more than friends with somebody.
    Great chapter.
    I also like the title.

  12. a new couple needs to sharing each other.....
    nice story

  13. Bardzo ekscytujący rozdział Ellie. Bardzo mi się podoba. Tyle się dzieje. Tytuł przepiękny. Widać że wszystkim się podoba. Fantastyczna lektura.

  14. Interestingly told story
    I enjoyed how you dealt the situation
    Ranny decided a good thing
    Hope things for Meddie get straight
