Monday, September 16, 2024

Pluck up the courage and invite him nowhere good

 "Well, I'm just saying, it's about time," Kimmy shrugged back about her new situation in Lawerence, Kansas with Raney.

Harley looked at her as if she was as flighty as ever. One romance after another. Although, Harley didn't exactly call them that. Kimmy still found the time to come and see her while she was in town with Raney, who was seeing his mother. 

"Is it?" Harley wasn't so sure about anything her cousin had to say. Once upon a time she'd pounced Rafe and now she acted as Who's That?

"He's an artist," she played with the cupcake that Harley brought her at the diningroom table at her parents. "When are you moving out?"

Harley leaned in to watch her cousin not even take a bite. Of course, if Harley was allowed she would have devoured it already. Truly, she thought it best if she lived by herself. This way should wouldn't have to be around all the food that was bad for her, but she knew that wouldn't change anytime soon.

"Why?" Harley looked at Kimmy as if she had an answer for everything. She was always good at assessing the situation. Of course, Kimmy never went through with her own notions. Now she was in art school too. Only not exactly where Raney was. But they were living together.

"You need to be out on your own. You know, how else will you know how to be a grownup?" Kimmy sipped her tea. She had no need for a cupcake.

Harley nodded. "Well, this is me now. I'm going to be a first-grade teacher. Maybe. And I'm working. Brick is on the basketball team at UNL. He's busy."

"You're so young," Kimmy winced as if Harley was missing out. 

"You'd think you were a good eight years older than me, you are only two," Harley felt the need to stand up for herself yet she supposed she was putting down her cousin now. "You've been to so many colleges? And you still can't decide?"

"Well," she shrugged, but let her in on a little secret. "A lot of times I was high."

This alarmed Harley as she glared at her cousin. There was no one in the family to hear this but Harley. How could she not know?

"You know, I just play along until I can't anymore," Kimmy's smile was open.

"Are you high right now?" Harley's eyes lit, hoping Kimmy didn't harm Raney. Harley felt so sad for him, but she doubted he knew of her bad habits. She wanted to know what Kimmy was taking, but she was a clean mystery, keeping it all to herself.

Kimmy laughed at her. "Don't worry about me. Just worry about your boring life."

Harley sighed. Was she supposed to call Maddie and see if they could have an intervention? She guessed it was an intervention. Only it was for Raney to end it with Kimmy.


  1. Oh God!
    This chapter was amazing, right now I want moreee
    Thanks for sharing it
    Hugs ♥

  2. An intervention might be worthwhile.

  3. Uy ojala se arme de valor y ellos con su intervención arreglen todo. Te mando un beso.

  4. Ellie,
    Usually those who find our lives boring have lives that are even more boring than ours.

  5. Haha good dialogues I loved to read this chapter.

    1. Thanks for your comment! I appreciate it ❤️

  6. Great job.

  7. Hello,
    This fragment is too dense to understand and I think the ending is unexpected! When I went to university I studied architecture, I didn't like it and changed to economics! I finished that course, I wasn't happy doing the architecture course and then I was very happy doing the second course. I understand your character's problem with the dilemma of which course to take and sometimes that's not easy! I wish you a happy week!

  8. This is a good chapter, a good read.
