Saturday, September 14, 2024

Want me to spell it out for you?


"What? We're in the same apartment complex?" Wolf looks stunned as if he doesn't understand.

"What? You thought we were going out on the town," Remi smirks back as she leads the way. It's only a few doors down. 

"It's just, you know, we.. we stay home," he looks as if he wishes she'd left him home.

"Oh, we need to get out more," Remi turns to him and loops her arm in his as if they are in it together. "It'll be fine. Besides, remember he's the one who told me about the pharmacy classes."

Wolf nods as if that has to be a good sign. It isn't long until they get to the elevator and go to the top floor, but in spite of how quick the elevator is, Wolf is a little queasy.

"You know, I think you've had more morning sickness than I have," Remi tells him as they wait for the elevator door to open. 

She hears his nervous laughter. Remi hangs on to him. Really, he's always had a sheltered life, and yet he remains timid even on his own with her.

Finally, they arrived, and its like a party. Now Remi feels a shot of nerves, but she smiles at every introduction. First, it's Alfie's little brother and he's with his roommate which Alfie stresses. Although, from the looks of it, Remi doubts it.

And Zoey, Alfie's wife. "You know, I'm the one who introduced these two," she says later as they settle to the dinner party of pasta, meatballs, and salad which everyone gets a good laugh.

 Of course, they squeeze around the table. Alfie invited the neighbors across the hall who already have a baby.

She sees that Wolf finds it easier than he even knew to talk to strangers. Boone and his girl are sweet. "Next time, let's bring some games," Boone says he'd like to try the Friends Trivia game that Wolf mentioned.

"Save that for winter," Alfie says as they are finishing up, so there will be room for coffee and brownies. "Right now we need more on the court."

Boone shakes his head, no. He looks to Wolf. "Oh, I don't know." Wolf shakes with laughter. "If anyone can play, it's Remi."

She sighs. "Not anytime soon." She holds her stomach waiting for the bundle of joy that will be much sooner than she wants to admit.

"Right," Alfie nods. "We'll teach you." Alfie assures Wolf he'll be making a lay up in no time. 


  1. There are certain people who, even if we explain it to them by drawing them, cannot understand things.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  2. Dobrze się czyta, jak zawsze...m
    Pozdrawiam serdecznie

    1. It reads well, as always... m
      Best regards, ❤️🍂💕🥮Thanks so much!

  3. Interesting how this spells out Friends. Nice.

  4. Eu gostei do "pacote da alegria."
    Boas inspirações! Beijos!

  5. Siempre es bueno aprender cosas nuevas y estar con los amigos. Te mando un beso.

  6. Great chapter. I like how Remi teases him and tells him she thinks he'd had more morning sickness she had. But honestly, I think the pregnancy can be hard and stressful for both partners. Of course, it's more demanding on a woman because she is the one carrying the pregnancy, but men can get nervous about it no wonder he responds with nervous laughter.

    It's interesting how you say that he'd had a sheltered life, and yet he remains timid even on his own with Remi. I think people who have had a sheltered life can sometimes be even more timid just because they have less experience in dealing with certain difficult things. So, a sheltered life isn't always a good thing.

    I can also understand how Remi feels a shot of nerves, but she smiles at every introduction. Sometimes we smile when we don't know what to say or what to do. We also smile to hide our emotions. Smiles are complicated.

    Have a great Sunday!

  7. Men rarely understand women, and they probably don't understand pregnant women at all. Such life, such mentality. Good chapter, greetings from the rainy city.

  8. Great post 😊 Have a nice day 😊

  9. What a chapter, I read with great attention.

  10. The chapter presents an agile and entertaining narrative, I certainly liked it, greetings
