Tuesday, September 24, 2024

So I'd shut the curtain. Who shuts the curtain now I'm gone?

 As soon as she heard about Raney's mother being sick, Kimmy knew she needed to make an exit quickly. There was no way she was going to deal with that. Even so, it felt like she'd been in for the long haul with Raney this summer.

Oh, it was a trip, she now thought. On one hand it was just a short summer something. She could still smile about it. He was cute, even sweet. Yeah, a real sweetheart. 

Kimmy knew he needed a makeover. "Why not go blonde," she'd said the second time they went out. Of course, she wasn't living anywhere then. Sometimes, she liked it that way. Seeing just how far down she could go before life picked her back up.

Yeah, she was of a kite, she guessed. But one thing led to another. She guessed they'd had sex. He never knew what was in her water bottle and she certainly wasn't going to share her vodka. 

Even now she was combing the liquor cabinet at Harley's. For folks who said they didn't drink, they kept a lot of alcohol. But she knew she could drink it for them and fill those bottles up with water. She'd laughed, thinking they'd blame it all on Harley. After all, Harley was just too good to be true.

So it was good when she finally heard from her friend in L.A., it was the place to be. They even sent her money for the bus. Hopefully, she'd make it there if she didn't find something better.

No, no goodbyes. Kimmy didn't like them. Oh, she could hear her mother now, "How could I have raised such an uncaring girl?"

They didn't really talk. From time to time her mother talked at her. Maybe she knew Kimmy was in a bad way. Only she never said and Kimmy wasn't going to make a mess of things. It felt as if she'd always been paid off. Credit cards, debit cards. She could pay on her phone now. Her mother said it was her lifeline. 

Maybe so, Kimmy didn't give it much thought. Really, the only home she ever knew was coming to Harley's. Of course, even she could see Harley could barely stand her. There was a time she thought they might have been cut of the same cloth. It was before Harley got sick. She was pissed back then. Especially, with the way she was treated at school. And then she met Brick.

Kimmy thought Harley would get over him, soon enough, but she didn't. Harley was a good girl now. Kimmy rolled her eyes at the thought of what Harley might be up to. Kimmy hated to tell her that she wasn't worth saving.

Still, Harley's home was cozy and her parents did care about her even if Harley didn't think so. They ate together most nights. Watched ME TV. Kimmy thought it was hilarious, but now that she was on the bus and going cross country, she missed it. Why hadn't she tried to be closer to her cousin? They could have been sisters.

Kimmy knew it was too late now. Harley would never forgive her for leaving Raney like this. After all, Kimmy knew he was far too good for her, but somehow he was perfect for Harley. 

Kimmy shook with laughter sitting in that cushy seat next to the bus window as the miles went by, where sleep could sit in if she let it. It felt like a parting gift to herself, breaking up Harley and Brick.


  1. I really admire the easyness u write.
    It's so cool
    It just flows so easy

  2. I hope Kimmy can figure out things soon
    i love your story telling and stories as well dear Ellie
    best wishes

  3. hola
    me has dejado toda intrigada, ¿quรฉ pasarรก?

  4. Well, it's well written.
    Thanks for all your comments.

  5. Kimmy needs to figure things out.

  6. ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜


  7. Kimmy can now rest a bit from the thoughts

  8. Oooooo....Kimmy is such an interesting character for sure. Definitely not a goody-two-shoes, which makes for a someone you'd wanna read about:) Great chapter as always, Ellie:)

  9. Uy pobrecita. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.
