Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time

 "You're not really worried, are you?" Boone asked out of the blue. It left Maddie breathless. 

"About what?"

"Oh, you know, who," Boone smile was almost a laugh. He sat next to her on the couch as the old show of  Frazier played on. There was no way to stop it with Antenna TV. 

"You mean, Lily?" Her solemn look said it all. He squeezed her close.


Still, he felt as if there was nothing of Lily's existence to contend with. He thought back how miserable and uncertain she'd made him. He always thought it was his fault, but he could see clearly now that it wasn't.  She was not in his heart. He couldn't think of her. "I guess I had to meet someone like her, to appreciate you. Like I do."

Maddie winced as if he had to be kidding.

"No, I mean it, you are everything I ever wanted."

Boone wanted her to know she was that friend he'd been looking for and much more.

That look of Maddie's. It felt as if he'd said the worst instead of the best. 

"I think a lot of you," he told her with a smile, but he didn't know if she believed him.

"You are amazing," Boone told her.

"I wouldn't go that far," she sighed, looking at him as if this was a big joke.

"No, I mean it. I'm so glad I met you, and that you want to be a part of my life." He knew it then. He knew it now. He wanted them to never part.

"But what if you're stuck with me?"  Her laugh was soft and he put his arm around her as if this was a sign of what would come.

"Then, you're stuck with me," he whispered in her ear. She laughed softly more. 

"I want to marry you someday," he confessed.

Oh, what a hearty laugh she laughed. "I'd be OK with that." She finally admitted.

"Really?" Boone was in shock. "Then..then..could it happen sooner?"

"I don't know, why not," her cheek caressed his shoulder. He held her as if he hoped it would be soon.

"Why me?" Mercer couldn't believe this was happening. Why did Lily want to dance with him? Of course, Brick was nowhere in sight. Actually, no one was dancing to the indie music playing in Izzie and Cowan's livingroom. Most of their friends were off in the dining room munching on dips and chips while Cowan was getting the apple bobbing ready.

"Because I trust you," she said with delight stomping around in her big boots.

Mercer cringed. Why wasn't Cade here? He was supposed to save him, but as of yet, he was a no-show at the Halloween Bash. Of course, Sterling was in the corner sulking. Honestly, Mercer didn't know what was going on. Mercer had a show to put on tomorrow, and it felt a million miles away. Especially, when Lily showed up.

Oh, he knew she was expecting someone different from him, but she'd grabbed his hand and wanted to dance to some Led Zeppelin song he could hardly remember. And she was making her moves and he did his best to keep up with her tribal twitching. He couldn't remember the last time he'd danced. Was she expecting Brick? And it was all some big ploy? How could Brick even think to be jealous of this hideous dance Lily was putting in such passion too.

"Are you OK?" He asked marching to his own drum of rhythm which was probably two steps behind Lily.

"Of course, I'm OK? Are you OK?" She looked him in the eye.

"Why wouldn't I be OK?" He was oblivious to her question. 

"I dunno, you're boyfriend isn't here." 

She sounded as if they were all by their lonesome.

"I'm in a play, you know," he wanted her to know he could do things himself.

"Oh, really?" She laughed at him, yet her arms came around him. For the first time, he felt he'd been chosen for something, but he wasn't sure what that meant.


  1. Good for Maddie! Hope she and Boone will have a really happy end.

  2. That sounds interesting, exciting, and a good read.

  3. Very good -Christine

  4. It's nice to see that Boone and Maddie are a very happy and want to spend their lives together.

  5. Hello,
    In the first part of the text I was happy with the couple with the wedding proposal wow, but I have to say that sometimes comparisons with other girlfriends can also be dangerous! But in the second part of the text I was a little confused, Lily is remaking her love life, I think she leaves men very confused! I wish you a happy Halloween! Hugs!

  6. Son una linda pareja . Te mando un beso.

  7. Put on your costume and go have fun, because loneliness is not good company for anyone, because even ghosts have fun!👻
    🎃 Happy Halloween!🎃
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  8. lovely episode dear Ellie ,i so enjoyed it
    hope the love birds in first half can figure out when they gonna marry
    and hope couple in second half can understand their relationship
    best wishes !

  9. I hope they will be happy in near future

  10. hola
    Ohhhhhhhhhhh, que capítulo más bonito.
    Happy Halloween

  11. I love the first collage of photos, it's giving Clueless vibes. Wonderful romantic moment between and Boone. I found it funny how Maddie seems to refuse to believe that he is in love with her. For example, I liked how you described that Maddie 'winced as if he had to be kidding.'

    Even when Boone tells her openly- " are everything I ever wanted.", Maddie still seems to be insecure....and I like how he just keeps going with the compliments. Maybe she just needs time to warm up to him.
    His wedding proposal caught me a bit by surprise, and I think Maddie was surprised too, even with that little romantic introduction.

    Fun chapter!
