Sky wasn't sure he was listening correctly. What had came over Josie?
It hadn't occurred to him that she might be mad at him. Of course, he'd spent most of the night on his video game and when she came home so late...well..he woke up to the fact that she was really mad.
"You, could have been supportive." Even her voice was different. "You, could have been there for me."
"Well, you said..Henry would go with you." Sky winced. "Did Henry-"
"Henry was there for me." Her eyes lit as if she was ready to tell him everything he'd ever done wrong. " many months have..I.." She took a breath as she teared up. "Have I WAITED..yes, waited for you to..get through..what ever this is you're getting through..and then the night..I really..really need you. What are you doing?" She snapped. "Playing video games!" She sounded as if she had it all recorded somewhere.
He pressed his lips tight.
"This isn't about me, is it?" She was just using him as an excuse.
He wasn't sure if that was a laugh in her voice or not. She hugged herself hard as she swelled a frown.
"You would say that." She fumed.
Suddenly, it was as if he could do nothing right.
"What is it?" He wanted to know.
She shook her head. He would have to guess because she'd spoken her peace. Or was that rage?
"I dunno what I'm suppose to do." He called his brother Nico. It was so late. He knew he woke him.
"Well, maybe you two need a break." Nico said between yawns. "I'd say come over, but we're kind of full here.Maybe, you could move back in at Dad's."
Sky hated the thought of being back there. He'd have to be around Draco, who he hadn't managed yet to think of as a brother. And he was still calling his Dad, Gramps.
"I don't want to do that." Sky fretted.
"Maybe..its time..for you to get out on your own." Nico told him he'd been living rent free at someone's house for months now.
Sky guessed Nico was right. But he still didn't know how to work this out with Josie.
Sky will figure things out...
Sky should really talk to Josie and listen to her concerns ♡