Charlie thought about what Macy said during their last phone call.
"I want to stop being sad." Macy's words got the best of Charlie. Of course, Charlie was lonesome with Carson at the Police Academy. She felt even sicker, the idea of him being a cop. But she couldn't let him know how worried she was.
Funny, her so called ex-mother-in-law was the only one she had to talk too, about this ordeal. After all, Draco's mother still cared for Lily while Charlie was at work. Usually, Charlie ate supper at Draco's parents house, everyday.
Sometimes, Charlie would bring chicken of some sort meal from the deli. Most times, fried, but sometimes, roasted chicken.
Actually, Alice didn't do much cooking. She hated to clean up. She complained of her hands going numb and her medications made her muscles ache. Charlie really wished her boys would look after her more. After all, Alice was her husband's caretaker. That couldn't have been easy. Even with Ed on the mend, he loved to be waited on. She'd never seen him pick up a dish to wash.
From a distance, Alice looked regal and beautiful, but even now Charlie worried that Lily was too much for Alice to take on. Thankfully, Lily reported daily how her day went with Gran.
Charlie did her best to bring fresh fruit. Food they could warm in the microwave.
"I don't guess you've heard from Draco." Alice's usual line after they ate and Charlie cleared the dishes.
"No, not a word." Charlie didn't see the point. Alice bringing up Draco. It wasn't like Draco paid any child support. What support she did get from Alice was childcare and shoe-shopping for Lily.
Most of the dolled up outfits Alice bought Lily were outgrown now. Charlie didn't ask for anything. She usually thrifted at Good Will, or someone at work would have jeans or over-alls that Lily could use.
But Charlie felt she was stuck on rewind with Alice. She worried Alice was much more frail than any of them knew. Had Alice forgotten? Charlie wasn't with Draco, anymore?
Charlie wanted to think about her wedding. She wanted a real honeymoon with Carson. But all she felt was sadness.
Finally, she loaded Lily in Carson's truck and drove home. When she got to her door, there was Gage with a baby and a girl, along with Carson's mother and a man with a boy who looked like his son.
"What are you guys doing here?" She looked at them as if they were waiting for her to feed them.
"I don't have your cell phone number." Carson's mother informed her. "I dunno, how many times I've been by here, hoping to catch you at home."
"Oh." Charlie felt rather mellow as she unlocked the door and everyone filed in.
Gage immediately introduced her to Halie.
"Yes, I've..I've heard about you." Charlie hoped she didn't sound harsh. She kept hoping it wasn't true. She wanted Gage to be with Macy, but she shook Halie's hand and went to get some cold lemonade from the fridge.
She got out some cookies, even if they were store bought.
"We have to get a move.. on your wedding." Clare looked at Charlie. "Do you have any ideas?"
"Well." Charlie let herself smile. It was good to hear from someone who wanted to talk about her wedding.
Clare brought her a whole shopping bag of wedding magazines.
"I haven't forgot about you." Clare patted Charlie's back.
About then Halie went to the couch to look at the magazines with Charlie, while the men went to check on the light bulb that was out in the hallway.
Clare set with baby Alec while Lily made over the little one, talking about how she wanted a baby sister.
"I'm afraid boys run rampant on our side of the family." Clare told her, "But you never know, you might just get one, some day." Clare smiled.
Is Clare dropping hints?