Cassie was sure of it. Someone was smitten, and it was a relief the Asian guy wasn't at her station trying to ask her something. They always got lost in each others words. And she didn't feel she was any help to him.
Besides, she like to see mothers with their little kids. Cassie would note how tall they were getting, or so grownup. Whatever the case, everyone was always in such a good mood. She couldn't help but smile, and he caught her smiling.
He needed a library card.
She asked for an ID. He had a military ID and an outdated driver's license.
"Actually, I'm living with my mom for a moment." He told her he was no longer in the military.
"OH, if..if you were active duty..we..we could give you a free card." She told him.
"That's all right." He didn't sound that it mattered. His mom lived close enough to the library that it was a free card. "But..but do I have to bring my mom in here, just..just for verification?" He winced.
"If..if you have any mail." She looked at him ever so sincere. She noticed his hand were those of a mechanics. He'd gotten on at Jiffy Lube.
"Well, I don't get any mail." He grinned.
She couldn't help to smile. Cassie gritted. Perhaps she was smitten. She couldn't think of herself ever being smitten, and she didn't know what to do about it.
Looks like Cassie has fallen hard!
Cassie seems interested... I hope she takes her time xox