"I dunno what's wrong with her." Ben sighed as he watched Mae go out the door.
"Is she coming back?" Taylor wanted to know.
"I guess I'll wait and see." He shrugged. He told Taylor not to worry. Ben made his way around and collected some empty paper plates and cups to the kitchen to recycle. Something was bothering Mae, but he didn't know what.
He noticed she wasn't back in the livingroom after his chore, so he went to find her in the court yard of the apartment complex. The pool was closed now, but there were dim lights exposing a manicured garden path.
She was out in the edge of darkness on the phone. He could hear her. She was crying and her voice was low.
He was sure it was about Jude, but he wasn't even here. Ben supposed this would be too much of an all time low for Jude and his boyfriend to show up at this co-worker's party. They probably went to high end galleries to look at art or go to all male plays in the old market. Perhaps, sing along with Acapella groups at a sing off in the back of some mysterious bar.
"Yes, I'm just fine. Everything is fine." Mae coughed tears as she talked into her Android. Ben winced, nothing was fine about this.
Well, they finally had the couch, all to themselves at the party. Sara didn't mind. They'd found a spot to sit down. She was in shoes that cramped her toes. After all, she'd been on her feet all day at the boutique. At the moment, she didn't care if they went to the zoo or not. She yawned. It wasn't Taylor's fault, but the party was boring. And she really hoped Sky never spoke of Hansen, again.
It wasn't that she hated her ex. It was just... she had nothing to say about him, anymore. Why didn't Sky know?
Of course, Sky was in love. Or did it just look that way? His new girl, smiling, making all over him made Sara cross. It was like Sam was determined to make Sky her twin. Sky was nothing like Sara remembered. Not that she'd remembered much, but Hansen always respected him. She didn't know why.
She yawned once more, thinking she could sleep ever so comfortable next to Taylor. Finally, he put his arm around her and she snuggled up to him and went right to sleep, dreaming he was in a bunny costume.
When she awoke, Samantha was singing some Katy Perry song, like she owned it.
Sara winced hard. Honestly, she didn't like this kind of music.
"Can we go somewhere for coffee?" She asked Taylor.
Interested to see where this goes.