Sunday, December 4, 2016

the little things

the little things

Minnie snarled her nose up at the left over pecan pie. It was a sticky mess. A lot like her life with Blackie. Sure he wanted to act like they had the perfect marriage, but the more time they spent with his uptown cousin and that main squeeze of was easy to see..their life was a big mess.

And then Juno (her older sister) showed up and stayed a lot longer than she should have... for... Thanksgiving. By the end, nobody was thankful for anything.

If Omaha and Sheena hadn't been here, Blackie would have told Juno to leave. They might have even called the cops. Her first thoughts..but she didn't really know now.

Juno was civil. Still, she blamed Minnie for everything.

OK, Blackie was engaged to her older one time. But it was so last year. A lot had happened. Who was the one with the baby bump? Not Juno.

OK..maybe it was all Minnie's fault. But he wasn't so moody when it was just the two of them. Even Juno said she brought out the worst in him.

Minnie kept staring at the sticky pecan pie. What was she to do? Chunk it?

That was his favorite pie pan. Glass, too.

Minnie vowed Blackie would never bake a pecan pie, again. But first..she'd get out the ice cream. She'd find a way to get to his heart..through his stomach..LIKE ALWAYS. Yes, they could have ice cream with a pecan caramel topping along with a squirt of chocolate syrup!


  1. Sweets are always a good way to capture one's heart!


  2. No ones like if perfect it doesn't exist... I think Minnie needs to talk to Blackie more...
