Saturday, February 18, 2017

1... 2... 3

Every-time, there was a slight trimmer, Henry worried the baby might have seizures too.

"Oh, I wish you wouldn't worry." Josie told him as they watched the baby nurse in her sleep.

Allie was almost crawling. Henry was afraid she was a late bloomer, but Josie seemed to think she was right on track.

"I'm sorry, but I can't help it." Henry sighed as if he really would hate for Allie to be plagued with something he still couldn't control completely.

"You haven't even had one in months." Josie reminded him. "Right?" Now he could even see the doubt in her eyes.

"I'm fine." He quickly said. This was true, but like a bad dream ready to could.

She kissed him on the cheek.

Why was life such a blur, sometimes? There were his library science classes to get through. Was it even worth it?

He knew people who were looking for libraries to hire them and the jobs weren't there. He thought of the middle aged intern who was a pharmacist (she still worked at a drugstore) who's dream job was to be at the library.

"But aren't you making a lot of money?" He wished he had her job, but he didn't say it when he was working with her at the circulation desk.

"Yes, but I'd feel safer at the library." She told him how the drug store was robbed. People were stealing drugs. Crime was higher in their small town these days. He knew of some arrests a few streets over in his own neighborhood.

It left him feeling blue, thinking what had the world come too.

He looked at Allie, wanting for her to have a safe world.

But was it even safe, to work at the library?


  1. Henry has so much weighing on his mind rn!


  2. Once you are a parent, you see the world so differently... I hope Henry comes to terms with it...
