Monday, February 6, 2017

What you do to me is indescribable

What you do to me is indescribable

Taylor hoped he could call his family as soon as the news was confirmed about the baby. He hoped he didn't jinx it.

Actually, he was on cloud nine. He'd picked up Sara, off the bathroom floor as soon as he saw the pregnancy test results (that night). Of course, he might have squealed enough for both of them. But he was so happy.

He didn't want anything to go wrong.

Sure, he'd felt so much sorrow with Omaha about his first love Carmen. He knew he should talk to him, give him some real advice. But with news of a baby on the way, Taylor was trying all new ways to do the happy dance.

Of course, at the doctor's office they took a look at what was going on in Sara's stomach. Something lingered in the shadows of the computer screen.  There was a heartbeat already. Both were in shock.

He loved the look on Sara's face. She had to be happy. She had to be.

Suddenly, Taylor started crying because he was so happy. The world was right, even if it were only for a few minutes. He couldn't help to be emotional.

He hoped Omaha would be happy like this, one day too.

But he remembered how sad Omaha felt. He was mad at himself, mostly. Why hadn't he had the confidence..when he should have? Did he even have that confidence he needed now with Sheena?

Taylor wanted to call him right now, and tell him to stop worrying. It did no one any good.

Didn't he see, you had to be ready to catch whatever was coming at you.

Taylor squeezed Sara's hand, as she laid on the exam bed.

They were having a baby. It would be here by November.

It felt like such a long way away. So many phases to get through, until then....and he would be there every step of the way.


  1. I am happy for both of them and although they think it seems like it is a distance away, it will fly by before they know it ...
