Monday, June 11, 2018

we're staying home today

Ellie was thankful that Drew invited her and the girls into his life on such short notice. Still, it was a bit awkward, but not for long. He knew what they needed, food, a place to clean up and get ready for the daily shift of life.

"But, how do you know if the power is even on, where you work, or where the girls stay?" He'd ask, thinking they should just take the day off. There was a lot of damage in the neighborhood. He'd seen plenty of trees down. "You guys could just stay. Here." His smile was quick and she couldn't help but watch his face light up.

After breakfast, he told her to go to her house and see what she could salvage from the fridge and freezer. He had plenty of room. There wasn't much in his own kitchen. Still, she felt she was putting him out. But he coaxed her into it, while the girls kept busy with some markers and paper. He'd watch them.

She went to pack up what was still good in the fridge and freezer. She was back twenty minutes later with groceries to unload.

"Aw, chicken nuggets." He smiled. They could have lunch now. Of course, he left her on her own soon to see if he could help the neighbors in any way. There was plenty of branches to move.

Ellie felt a little low that she wasn't out there volunteering. It was best to keep the girls out of the way. They did at least have their dolls and pillow beds now. Without cable TV, there wasn't much they could do, but she found a Little House on the Praire book on a shelf in the livingroom. It was as if it had been waiting for her to read it aloud on this lonesome muggy day.

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