Monday, December 31, 2018

It's the end of the year

It had been a terrible Christmas for Jools. Here he was thinking how awful it would be to break up with Joley, but that was the least of his problems.

He'd called his parents to tell them the news about who he really was and who he wanted to be with. It had left a hole in his heart of emotions to find out they didn't want him back. They weren't going to deal with the likes of him.

So, here he was in limbo with only Evan to take care of him. He thought he'd do something to take his mind off his miserable life.

Buckeyes. A midwestern favorite candy for the holidays. He'd read up on it, but while the peanut butter dough was still in the food processor, he found out from Valentina that he'd used too much butter. Jools decided to go on with the candy making. After all, Valentina couldn't even come over to Evan's. She was helping with some extra babysitting and Evan was at the library shelving.

He hated the thought of ever seeing his parents again. He knew they were angry. And maybe they were right, he didn't deserve to go back home. But what was he to do?

At the moment, he melted chocolate. Of course, his Buckeyes weren't anything like the pictures he'd seen on Pinterest. It was just a mess. A lot like his messy life.  How was he ever to get through this?

There was a knock at the door, it was Will and Lux with the baby. Jools looked at them sadly with stick dark chocolate on his hands.

Lux told him to clean up. She and Will would take care of the mess. After all, it was New Year's Eve.

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