Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Ellie & Drew

Ellie didn't want to think of it as the worst of times, but it hadn't been the greatest weather for traveling during Christmas. She'd done her best to deal with the arrangements with her ex-husband. She'd brought the girls down to his parents like he'd asked, but instead of going back to Nebraska..she'd stayed in a hotel.

Her older brother had moved to San Antonio with his family. They were hours away from the vast central Texas location she was in. At least, Drew came down to stay with her. He wouldn't dare leave her too alone. After all, they were a real family.

He even went with her to pick up the girls. Ellie knew it was a bad idea.

"We have to get it over with, sooner or later," Drew said. Although, he probably wasn't used to how they would treat the foreigner.

"This is my husband, Drew." She introduced him to her ex-in-laws.

Of course, there was an uncomfortable silence as if she'd brought somebody into the country on a green card.

Thankfully, the girls were excited to see him. And they hadn't picked up on 'husband' til the ride home.

"You mean, we can call you Dad now?" Asked the oldest one.

"If you want too." Drew drove them back so they could have Christmas at home even if it was close to New Year's Eve.

Ellie was happy that he hadn't gotten into an argument with any of those in her past. He just kept smiling.

"Of course! We want too." Chloe said it was the best Christmas present ever.

Ellie sighed with relief, as if maybe it would be the beginning of a very good year.

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