Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Because we've never been here before


Jools didn't want to think what Mick's sister, Dimi was getting at. Did she even know?

Oh, she made cake. She said she wasn't much of a baker, but she planned on getting married at the end of summer and was so thrilled that Mick found someone. Now her life was on track.

Jools stifled at the thought. "We're just roommates." What did she think was happening? Sure he said he liked living with Mick. It was calm and they stayed out of each other's way. But he knew he couldn't really seriously talk about any of this in front of Mick. Since he might sense the wrong feelings. Although, it wasn't anything even his sister evidently didn't know.

He could have said, "Well, your brother isn't all there." But he stopped himself. 

"I know you wouldn't want anyone to ever take advantage of him," she said there at her dining table over coffee and cake. "I like that about you."

Jools smile was even. "We're friends." he simplified.

"But..but can't it be more than that?" She winced, almost stressed.

"What?" Jools was in a squint too while Mick got up to look at the fish in the big fish tank.

"I mean, you could-" she hesitated. "You two could get married."

"Married?" Now Jools eyes lit. He almost felt light-headed.

"Not like that." She touched his hand as he touched the handle of his coffee cup. "It's just, he needs someone like you. My uncle is getting old. I want to move to California."

"California? Why?" He looked at her blankly.

"We can't afford, what some people can," she told him. "And, and he's happy with you."

Jools nodded. He did understand, but was she crazy, he thought.


  1. I thought women perceive more than men

  2. I think he has more sensitivity than many men

  3. I think this is the first time I'm reading about Dimi:) So much juiciness as always in these chapters, Ellie:)

  4. Hello!! interesting and nice. Thanks for sharing!!


  5. Dimi sees a chance that she can leave Mick and Jools could be his close friend who looks out for him.

  6. Misunderstanding is the main idea here. Dimi, Mick's sister, doesn't seem to be aware of the nature of relationship between Jools and her brother. He insisted that they are friends and roommates, nothing more. That doesn't seem to convince her.

    1. I observe some people and do wonder where life will lead them. Some very successful stories I find. While others, I can only hope they find the happiness they deserve. Of course, what the sister sees is only what she wants to see.

  7. Me gusta Jool parece un personaje muy humano veamos a donde llevara todo esto.

  8. I think he is not a emotional man. He lives very ordinary life (eat-work-sleep). Am i correct? Does she work hard to win his love or not? Very interesting story Ellie! Thank you for sharing.

    1. I am not certain this story translated well.
      1. Jools is gay.
      2. Not sure about Mick. I have a feeling he might never really know either.
      3. Jools was with Evan who he thought he would always be with, but Evan left him because of Evan's mental illness and Evan had been Jools' lifeline until then.
      4. Now the tables have turned. Jools is more stable and it's Mick's sister who would feel more comfortable if Jools would marry Mick to have guardianship since Mick really does need that sort of support in his life. Due to the accident he had in middle school.

      I hope this makes sense. So the question is, would it be a good idea to marry someone for these reasons?

  9. Hola!! una interesante historia sobre todo lo que pasa al final.

  10. yes, relationship produces misunderstand sometimes....

  11. This Jools and Mick thing is getting deep. I'm starting to wonder if maybe there isn't something romantic under the surface after all. At the very least, it's nice that they can depend on each other, especially when both have led such unstable lives. Everyone needs someone!
