Friday, April 9, 2021

friend or foe?


"Are you checking up on me," Slater grinned when he noticed Jay browsing the steaks. It was practically grilling season these days, and there was a sale at the grocery store.

Jay smiled back. "Oh, I thought you were here to spy on me," he said things were good. Naturally, there were extra Pampers in the grocery cart. 

"I don't get paid that much," Slater shrugged. He was in his clean white coat as if he might be a doctor of some sort instead of just a butcher.

"Do you miss being on the road?" Jay asked.

"Not at all," Slater shook his head, no. "Say, you got all your stuff out of Minnie's don't you?" Slater told him they had somebody moving in where Jay used to live.

"I guess so." Jay looked at him with his fingertips in the front pockets of his distressed jeans. He kept looking at all the beef options.

"Good, cause I'm afraid you might get in a fight with Josh." Slater was serious. "He's home now and he's not too fond of you. I heard him and Minnie. Let's say he's not too impressed with you."

Jay only gave him a nod, but acted as if he'd done nothing wrong. "I don't know why some people can't keep their mouth shut." He looked up at Slater. It was as if it was all Slater's fault.

"Well, if you'd behave, then shit like this wouldn't happen." Slater bit a grin.

Slater really didn't want to be Jay's friend, and yet he felt he had to be to keep tabs on him. Jay kept quiet and settled for some pork ribs and waved good-bye.

"Maybe, we'll get together one day," Slater nodded. Of course, he seriously doubted it but told him he did want to see Ivy and the baby.


  1. Slatter should be a positive one and get rid of the tabs against her. I think this is not a difficult job. Have a wonderful weekend to you dear friend.

  2. I feel like they need a break from one another - their banter really isn't friendly. :/


  3. Nicely written - the barbecue season is great.
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Hello!! so good and interesting!!


  5. Uy parece que las cosas se complican. Te mando un beso, genial fragmento.

  6. Interesting and a good post title for this piece.

  7. Awkward! This part is great, the white "doctor" coat symbolizing just how full of himself Slater is: ' "I don't get paid that much," Slater shrugged. He was in his clean white coat as if he might be a doctor of some sort instead of just a butcher."
