Monday, April 19, 2021

Strawberries on a summer evenin'

 Steve was certain he'd spent far more time with Vicki than he meant to, but he didn't see many people where he worked at the hospital. The hospital library was awful quiet. Possibly, hands off to most. It felt only a few knew about it. But there was plenty of work to do, physically and online. It kept him busy. Yet, he was full of solitude so he didn't mind listening to the girl go on about books and movies. 

After he checked out, he noticed she didn't buy a thing and she was still with him.

"That guy back there, I really ..well, I think I'd like him." But she told Steve he didn't know she existed.

"Oh, I think he would notice you," Steve nodded looking at the pink streaks in her dark hair. She was tiny as a pixie and he had to wonder if she'd already sprinkled him with fairy dust. 

She shook her head, no. "I might not be what I seem," Vicki confessed.

"Well, it happens to the best of us," he shrugged. "But you seem fearless too."

"Do I?" It was as if he opened a can of something and he found himself having to share even more.

He looked at his watch, as a signal. He knew he had to go, but he didn't really have to. He offered her a lift home.

She still seemed sad. He wasn't sure what she was after. Although, he was certain she was focused on nothing. It didn't seem likely he could stir her in the right direction, but he hoped she wasn't the kind of person who thought about jumping off buildings or experimenting with the dark arts at home.

Of course, she was happy for him to drive her anywhere. Steve was slightly alarmed, hoping she didn't think it might be a date. That would be sudden. She didn't live that far. Just his luck her sister would be there, but she told him Melissa moved to Kansas City and they never saw her anymore.

Before he knew it, he was invited in. Her mother had a chicken casserole warming in the oven and the smell was divine. He was eating dinner with Vicki's parents before he knew it. Oddly, he couldn't be sure how it all came about.

After that, he helped wash dishes. Then she wanted him to watch something on Netflix with her. It wasn't like he was suffering through the evening. In fact, it was pleasant and cozy. It was as if Steve had fallen into something good.


  1. It seems to be moving fast: invited to her parents, washing dishes, watching TV together. Not bad for Steve and Vicky.

  2. this looks like a good relationship;)

  3. So it's interesting ... dinner with her parents and plus help in washing dishes :-)

  4. Hello!! this was really good. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Parece que las cosas le van saliendo a Steve por lo menos tuvo una velada agradable. Te mando un beso

  6. Love the can imagery here: '"Do I?" It was as if he opened a can of something and he found himself having to share even more." Who knew it would lead to dinner with the rents? Also, super cute crescent moon bag!

  7. Ei, mas acabou virando um belo encontro para os dois, né?
    E vc capricha nas imagens de cada post!

  8. Great post. I like the picture very much.
