Saturday, October 16, 2021

what the day brings

 Were they really thinking of a wedding without her?

Emily laid back even more grimly. She closed her eyes. How could she do this? She'd seen chiropractors for starters about her shoulder. Now the doctor was talking about how they could do something for her shoulder by operating at the base of her neckline. She'd have to wear a neck wrap for a few weeks.

"It'll only be a small incision," The woman said. She could do the procedure in her office.

Emily did her best to smile and agree.

Of course, Liam rushed in about that time as if he thought the world had ended. She wasn't expecting him. It was Rosie who got her to the hospital. They worked together at the Children's Center. She really hadn't cared who had taken her as long as it wasn't an Ambulance. 

"Oh my god, what happened?" He wanted to know everything. They'd given her a shot for the pain. Now she felt as if she was plastered to the bed. Honestly, she was going nowhere very fast, and she couldn't even lift her head up to really look at him.

After the doctor told him about her need of surgery, she left them alone. He sat next to her and held her hand. "What have you been doing?" He wanted to know.

"Lifting toddlers," Emily said as she closed her eyes. It was part of her job. Sometimes, she just had to. And a lot of the time, they clung to her (arms wrapped around her neck and legs wrapped around her small waist). "Really, I'm used to it."

"You should quit that job," Liam said aloud. He squinted hard as if he might have tears in his eyes.

"It's nothing, really." She managed to say.

"Nothing." Liam let out a sigh. "You need to find something that's not going to hurt you."

"Well," she let out a sigh wondering if she'd go to sleep before the conversation ended. "People are in dire need of child-care these days." She told him that she'd wanted to join the Air Force, but something wasn't quite right with her bones. She didn't pass the physical exam. She just didn't know it would be this. 

Actually, she'd always been strong-willed. Nothing could stop her until now. She shut her eyes and drifted off to sleep.


  1. She should consider looking for a less physical demanding job.

  2. Ohhhh
    I want she will be better, she doesn't deserve it
    Kisses ♥

  3. Oh I wish all the best for her!

  4. ◕‿◕ Nossa, tomara que a cirurgia dê certo!
    Ela poderia fazer algo mais leve, não?◕‿◕


    1. ◕‿◕, I hope the surgery works!
      She could do something lighter, wouldn't she ◕‿◕

  5. Uy pobrecita esperó que se mejore. Te mando un beso

  6. We don't always get the job we actually want. Some learn to get used to the hardships it comes with.

  7. Seguro que Emily se recupera

  8. Muchas gracias por tu visita.

    Muchas gracias por tu visita.
    Un placer llegar hasta aquí.
    Todo saldrá bien.
    Un abrazo.

  9. Hospitals and docs have amazing technological devices but i think surgery point is being a dangerous part of her body. Hope she gets well soon.

  10. Sizin yorumlarınızı ben de okuyorum. Herkes iyi dileklerde bulunmuş, sıcak insanlar.

    1. I read your comments, too. Everyone wished well, warm people❤❤Thanks so much!

  11. Shoulder issues can be very painful. I know as I fell once on my right shoulder. Surgery, even a small incision, should be the very last resort.

  12. Hello!! so good, thanks for sharing!!


  13. Well, this is sad. First, the part about Emily carrying a toddler resulting in surgery, then the backstory about something not being right with her bones. The silver lining, though, is that it seems to bring out a real tenderness in Liam. Maybe he more than "doesn't hate" her after all? Then again, maybe Emily's unstable skeleton is symbolic of her betrothal to Liam not feeling right in her bones. We shall see . . .

    Your library patron's handmade tie dye sweatshirt sounds awesome! I hope you find that sweatshirt and have a fine time trying for one too -- even if it is messy. :)

    1. I have had 2 friends who have had this surgery. Unfortunately, it doesn't last as long as one would hope.
