Sunday, May 15, 2022

It's that time of year

 "So how are things with  you and Koda?" Misty asked. 

"Fine." Suddenly, Vanna was closed-lipped. It was true. Misty was seriously pregnant. A cold chill went through Vanna. Honestly, she felt Misty was so brave, yet Vanna couldn't see herself waiting so long to start a family. Honestly, it was confusing. A part of her always wanted to be a mom and yet when she looked at her body she knew she didn't want to go through with it, but maybe.

"Are you sure?" Misty looked her over as if Vanna was not well at all. Like, maybe she had COVID and shouldn't be out here at their barbecue party. 

Of course, Koda was off with Jay and Slater at the grill drinking lite beer and shooting the breeze. And that new girl Jay was with was holding baby Hope. Vanna winced. Sometimes, when she looked at Lindy it was like looking at this woman and yet now she looked like a kid in her overalls. She was close to Jay as if she was supposed to always be next to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but..but what's wrong with her?" Vanna wanted to know. The sun shined and Vanna wished she'd worn shades. Honestly, it was a beautiful day.

"What do you mean?" Misty looked toward Lindy and the baby.

"I dunno. Nothing I guess." Vanna was sorry she spoke. She remained even lipped. Misty waved Lindy over. Finally, she came with baby Hope on her hip. It wasn't long until Dimi and Bishop arrived with a picnic basket full of finger foods. She laid it out on the wooden benched table.

"Hey," Vanna introduced herself to Lindy and of course, Hope went right to Vanna. "She's like lead." Vanna hadn't held Hope in months. She'd grown so much and yet she acted as if she still knew her.  "What are you guys feeding her?"

"Oh, she eats whatever we eat," Lindy nodded.

"Right." Vanna nodded. She did not know about these things, but Hope placed her hand right on her breast as if she knew what they were used for. Vanna gritted a smile wishing she could hand off the baby to Misty, but knew that would be wrong. "You don't have any kids do you?" Vanna asked Lindy.

"I don't think so." She shook her head, no. "Not that I know of."

"Huh?" Vanna had never heard anyone say something like that. There was something peculiar about Lindy. Vanna hoped Jay knew what he was getting himself into.


  1. Koda, Jay and Slater at the grill drinking. :)

    "I don't think so." "Not that I know of". That made me laugh!

  2. Uy vuelven los problemas . Te mando un beso y genial fragmento.

  3. Acho que toda mulher tem o direito de escolher se quer ter filhos ou não...
    Boa semana! Boa escrita!

    1. I think every woman has the right to choose whether to have children or not...
      Good week, good week. Good writing!

    2. Basically, this was Vanna's story and the thought of what it would be like to be the one pregnant. Don't know if you noticed in the collage ..we have a pregnant Vanna. Of course, when Lindy told her she wasn't sure if she'd had kids..this lost Vanna's train of thought of her pregnant daydream.

  4. Hello!! A really good chapter. Thanks for sharing.


  5. Oh! Really nice amazing chapter, I'm very hooked on this story
    thanks for sharing
    never stop to write! ♥

  6. a picnic with friends is always a good idea;)

  7. Oh my gosh! Lindy's response...that actually made me LOL. No wonder Vanna thinks something is off with her:D
    PS Thank you so much again, Ellie, for your comment. Hopefully, I will get my energy up soon but it was great to have something to celebrate for sure. We still haven't got our our 4th shot but hopefully soon. And Mystery to lunakare sounds pretty interesting! Thanks for always giving me the heads up on these shows:) XOXO

  8. Me gustó mucho el capítulo, se nota que hay tensión. Besos

  9. Interesting! Very creative story!

  10. A post with both Vanna and Lindy couldn't be anything but interesting! For once, I agree with Vanna. Even at forty, the idea of giving birth weirds me out. It was nice to hear from someone of a similar mind.

    That must be fun getting to see Alex's new wigs "parading" through the library. And congrats on getting your second booster! :)
