Valentina didn't know if she deserved a celebration, but Brick and Lily seemed to think so. As it was, she didn't even know if she could last at the park. It was too freaking hot.
"I wanted to tell you something," she said to Matty before they left. After all, he was driving now. "I wanted to be honest."
"About what?" He looked at her a bit puzzled.
"Well..from before." She squeezed her eyes shut. "I should have told you." She wanted him to know he wasn't the first time. She'd been with Robbie. She really didn't want to think about him. It was not something she wanted to dwell on. It just shouldn't have happened. Valentina decided now. She never wanted to speak of it. Especially, since he was now her step-brother.
"Let's not think about it right now," Matty told her as he buckled her in. "We've got a party. We have plenty to be happy about." After all, he'd moved in. Their families were going to let them be together. It was going to be a good year. He kept telling her this.
She did believe him. They'd come this far. Her clothes were starting to get tight, but she hadn't stopped wearing what was in her closet. Most nights she wore one of his tees to bed. Of course, it still felt like her room, not their room. At least they had a double bed. She knew she couldn't ask for much.
And she couldn't help but smile. Nothing seemed to phase Matty.
"What?" He wanted to know as he drove to the park to meet up with their friends.
"Oh, I don't know, I guess I'm feeling's a good year in spite of so many things going wrong," Valentina smiled.
Mercer was at the park with Brooklyn. They'd brought cupcakes and lemonade. Of course, it was store-bought. He knew she was pretty messy in the kitchen. They'd made brownie waffles once and most of the batter had landed on their feet. He still thought that was funny. Yes, she was clearly a funny girl.
It had been a good summer. Going places with her. Well, her folks drove them around, but they'd been horseback riding, walking around in the old market checking out old bookstores and record places. Maybe it wasn't much to some, but they liked old eighties tunes. She even had a collection of 45's from her grandpa that he'd started in the fifties. It was a good thing she didn't want to play those because they would have probably been broken by now. Brooklyn was a little accident-prone.
Truth be told she did have a bit of an eye-sight problem, but it wasn't a problem to Mercer. After all, they liked listening to music and sometimes they danced. He guessed they were pretty silly, but she usually took his mind off the serious side of epilepsy. Mercer hadn't had another episode since the one he had at the library.
Of course, no one would believe him but it was purely platonic, his relationship with Brooklyn. And he wasn't going to explain it. He just needed Brooklyn in his life. She hadn't had an episode in years. Whatever she was doing, well he wanted to do that too. And maybe laughing along helped the most.
But he hadn't had a real conversation with Cade since the library incident. Mercer didn't know what it was, but he just wasn't going to let Cade bring him down. It didn't help any that Cade was at the library. Mercer had done his best not to talk to him. And now Cade was a clerk. Mercer was still a shelver. Yes, he did envy, Cade.
So what if he'd helped out in the book sale room for a month or two. A part of Mercer felt he should have gotten the clerk position. After all, he knew his Dewey decimal system. He didn't want to be mad at Cade, but he just couldn't help it. And then as everyone started to mingle at their little potluck before going for a swim at the swimming pool, there was Cade and he wasn't alone.
He was with a girl.
"Who's that?" Brooklyn asked.
"I don't know," Mercer shrugged back.
Cade and the tawny girl were carrying buckets of chicken and cold salads. She stood tall as if she was someone who knew something about leadership, unlike Cade who was sometimes a waste of space. Mercer didn't know why he was so mad at him. Maybe it was because Cade never had to try hard at anything. The pretty ones always seemed to find him.
Her name was Maisie and Mercer knew he was immediately afraid of her. He practically hid behind Brooklyn.
"I think Brick set them up. She just got on at the deli," Brooklyn had chatted with Lily to find out. Obviously. Lily knew everyone. This baffled Mercer, but she was even friends with Izzy who showed up with Link who came in from Lincoln.
ReplyDeleteThis is an interesting chapter!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing
I hope you have a nice week
Kisses, my friend ♥
complicated, but good story to read....
ReplyDeleteCade "was sometimes a waste of space" - ha, ha , what an expression!
ReplyDeleteAdorei as colagens/montagens!
ReplyDeletePrincipalmente a primeira deste post!
Beijos! 🌼😘
I loved the collages / montages! Especially the first of this post! Kisses!❤️❤️❤️❤️Thank you!
DeleteUy se avecinan los proble mas te mando un beso.
ReplyDeleteUy se avecinan los problemas , Citu
ReplyDeleteSe avecinan, problemas te mando un beso. Ciru
ReplyDeleteGlad things are going well for Val and Matty.
ReplyDelete"Obviously. Lily knew everyone. " Hmm... Mercer's not pleased.
cupcakes and lemoniades sound so good in a hot summer day:)
ReplyDeleteHola! me gusto el capítulo, parece que les van bien las cosas. Se pone muy interesante. Besos
ReplyDeleteLots going on here! First, the news about Matty not being Val's first was interesting. I guess maybe that explains how she got HPV. But Matty took it all in stride. He's a rock star and will make a great father!
ReplyDeleteThen, there's the picnic with Mercer and Brooklyn. Their relationship, however platonic, sounds wonderful. Who better to understand life with epilepsy than someone who lives it? I also love how they listen to '80s tunes.
Of course, Cade shows up as the fly in the ointment. I can see why Mercer would be jealous of Cade's new status as a library clerk. This made me smile: " After all, he knew his Dewey decimal system."
Thanks so much for using my fish fabric! I love the way it looks with the fruit. And the denim mini with the plaid bottom is adorable. 🧡