Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Now I know what a fool I've been


"I really like her," Alec said about Nora when Gage got to Henry's for Christmas' left-over dinner.

"You like her?" Gage practically winked as he was going through Alec's bag of goodies and toys. Of course, Alec was waiting for Gage to open his presents. "When did you meet Nora?" Now he felt bad that he said he'd been to her house because Alec wanted to be there now. Alec made it sound as if Gage was going to live there.

"Oh, when you were with your friend." Alec looked at him as if didn't he remember? "She's a really good cook and she's really funny."

"Is she?" Gage felt he'd missed something. He didn't get that vibe at all from her. He sighed as if he guessed he'd have to give her a second chance.

"I hope she had a good Christmas," Alec sounded concerned as if she wasn't going to get anything this year.


"You didn't get her anything, did you?" Alec looked at him as if this was all his fault. "She said she was waiting to date this guy that she didn't think would show up. She was sure he had other plans."

"Oh really?" Gage winced, thinking was it supposed to be him? Honestly, he hadn't been in a Christmas mood since forever. It didn't help that his mother who usually did Christmas was under the weather with RSV and a backache. 

"We need to make it right," Alec said.

"Should we? What could we do?" Gage never thought he'd get advice from a first-grader.

"Well, she likes basketball," Alec told him.

"Basketball?" Gage laughed. He didn't think so.

"We played a little after we ate pizza," Alec nodded, but it was inside Christine's garage where it was warm.

"Pizza?" Gage practically yelped wondering what else he'd missed.

"Yeah, we made it together," Alec told him with a big smile.

"And then you played basketball?" How was that possible?

"She's really good." Alec shrugged, even if it was only dribbling.

Gage sighed, about ready to say, "God! Damn it." Cause, he thought Nora had an attitude.


  1. haha this little man is really good with woman:D

  2. Nora made a good impression on Alec, and that might cause the latter to give her another chance. Well done, Alec!

  3. Applauds for Alec!
    Merry Christmas to you dear Elle! Happy and healthy 2023.

  4. Amazing chapter!! Thanks you for sharing, i love it!
    kisses ♥

  5. Pobre Gage debe tener paciencia. Te mando un beso. https://enamoradadelasletras.blogspot.com/

  6. Gage is taken aback.

    Love the blue Jones soda. :)

  7. Alec playing matchmaker for his dad and Nora is adorable! I especially love how he mentions Nora's softer qualities, that she's fun and funny and likes basketball. Oh, and also that Gage was supposed to take her out but didn't. Nothing like being guilted by a first-grader! Now maybe Gage will give her a chance. Great suspense and heart here! 😀🍕🏀💖

  8. good efforts to convince someone....
    nice story

  9. Hello!! great chapter, thanks for sharing it. Happy Holidays.

