Sunday, January 22, 2023

How's it gonna be

 "So what are you going to do?" Joon wanted to know after giving Poppy some time to think about it. He was certain she would go to her father and lash it all out, but she didn't.

"What can I do?" He knew in her eyes she was heartbroken. Yet she was concerned about her mother's health. She really thought she was overdue a checkup.

"We'll start there," It didn't matter how she really felt. "I knew I would have to take care of her one day." But at that time she'd always thought of her as the Aunt who took her in, not some secret from the rest of the family.

"I need to talk to them too," she said she thought her grandparents had past but there was still a great uncle or maybe an uncle still in Shanghai.

"Are you going to see them?" Joon wondered if she would got there.

"No." Poppy said she'd be lost without him, but right now she just needed to make sure the woman who she'd always thought of as her aunt was taken care of. "Maybe she could be in assisted living near us."

"It's OK to be angry you know," Joon thought she was just keeping this all bottled up.

"What good will that do?" She said she'd had plenty of nights of crying over all this, but there were priorities too. 

He knew she was right. Joon was glad she was the grownup in all of this. As it was she was packing up.

"It's time to give this place up," she told him. After all, she was living with him now. 

"What are you going to do with all this?" Joon knew they had no place for all her furniture.

"I'll put some of it in storage. I'll try to sell the furniture." But she didn't think she'd get much for it. After all, it was the past. A lot of it reminded her of Alfie.

"Let's just see if we can find someplace that will take it away. Somebody I'm sure is in need of it," He got out his phone. She gave him a nod.


  1. Poppy sounds indeed like the grown-up in all this matter of worrying about her aunt,moving her to some assisting place, moving the furniture.

  2. Siempre es bueno volver a comenzar. Bien por Poppy. Te mando un beso.

  3. sometimes we do not have to hide our tears. Sometimes it is good to cry

  4. it was a good decision, it's always good to move on

  5. "What good will that do?"....Amen, Poppy. She's a really great protagonist, Ellie. Great chapter as always:)
    PS It's great to see you're on such a crocheting kick! I finished knitting a scarf in December, but that's about it. I am hand-sewing a corset top but have not had a lot of time lately:( And I think I've seen the first Good Detective!!!! I didn't know there's a second one. Thanks for the heads up:)

  6. Una capítulo muy bueno, me gusto mucho. Creo que tomo una buena decisión. Besos

  7. Heavy stuff for our Poppy! Joon is such a good partner, giving her space to vent when he says that it's okay for her to be angry. But Poppy just forges on, not wanting to waste time on talk. She's so strong!

    By the way, I can totally see you as a Dorothy. Your vast knowledge of books and razor sharp wit would give her a run for her money! 😁

  8. Oh, and forgot to mention, love the Third Eye Blind reference! 💖👀🎵
