Tuesday, June 13, 2023

How can we not talk about this


There were so many things Emily wanted to tell Yuki, but she didn't know where to start. After all, Yuki looked to be so down these days. It was as if they were in two separate worlds and Emily didn't see them ever really talking like they used to.

"What happened this time?" Emily wanted to know if things were really OK with her and Zelli.

"Oh, you know, she keeps talking about this trip this summer. She's got all the time in the world..." Yuki paused. "And I don't." She looked so stressed, but she sat next to Emily on the couch and grabbed a plushie pillow to hug.  

Emily pressed pause on The Gilmore Girls and looked at Yuki.

"Are you sure that's all it is?" Of course, she looked back at her stomach, but it was covered with a blanket. She hugged herself as if she didn't think Yuki would notice. Her feet were on the coffee table and she was relaxed as she could be. 

"Oh..it's just.." Yuki winced. "I'm sure you wouldn't want to know."

"Yes, I do. You can tell me, whatever..it...is." Emily told her.

"Well, I found out..I found out Jen has a daughter." She looked at Emily.

"Really? How old is she?" Emily wanted to know. Even if she'd never really met Jen, Yuki did talk about her quite a bit. Especially, about the places they went and all the kinds of fun things Jen liked to do. 

"I think thirteen, but I'm not sure," Yuki said it didn't really matter. She doubted Jen introduced her. "I don't even know if she sees her. I just feel sad, you know. She should see her daughter." Yuki nodded as if she knew Jen's problems.

"Well, maybe..maybe we can invite them for the Fourth, or something." Emily smiled as if it was just a dream she doubted would happen. 

"I haven't seen Axton lately?" Yuki looked at her as if she wasn't forthcoming either.

"Oh, well..he gets moody sometimes," she shrugged. Yuki nodded.

"I dunno..sometimes..some of the things Zelli does makes me think of Remi," Yuki then said as if she needed to be honest too. "I mean, she's such a go-getter..unlike me, but maybe..maybe it's not as what I had hoped and..and I don't like comparing her to Remi but since Remi was someone who I thought would be my life partner." She winced as if she'd said too much.

"I know, Zelli can be a little too much of herself. She drinks too much when she's here," Emily had noticed. "Are you comfortable with that?" Of course, Zelli brought her liquor. They didn't have any in the house.

Yuki shook her head, no. "And all she talks about is this road trip. I can't go but she makes me feel so guilty..that I don't want her enough, you know."

"It's hard to know what to do, sometimes," Emily felt as of she was living a nightmare these last few weeks. Axton thought he was the sex god only he really was just a pest.

"I know what to do," Yuki was serious. "I'm not going anywhere with Zelli. I'm not."

Emily almost smiled. It was good to hear Yuki say it.


  1. Hola! un capítulo genial, me gusto mucho. Besos

  2. Maybe that is a good decision for Yuki.

  3. Poor Yuki's really struggling with both Jen and her daughter, and Zelli. And the sex god comment made me snort. :)

  4. when my daughter turns 13 i would be nearly 47 xd

  5. " Axton pensava que ele era o deus do sexo, mas na verdade era apenas uma praga." Fiquei rindo desta frase! Beijos! 😊

    1. I'm glad you could laugh..🌸💗🌸🫠

  6. It's always good to have someone who truly cares about us.
    Another good chapter.
    💋 Kisses 💋

  7. Zelli reminds Yuki of Remi? Red flag! I'm glad Yuki realizes that. Although I do worry that perhaps she protests too much . . .

    As for Emily, this line cracks me up:

    "Axton thought he was the sex god only he really was just a pest."

    Oh, Axton! 🤣🤣🤣
