Monday, April 15, 2024

The one where he didn't go away

Cade hated to be troubling to Maddie. Of course, he asked around as soon as he realized Rafe was gone.

"He could have been gone all weekend long, before I knew," His face tensed as he talked to Maddie who was with Rainy at the library. "You must think I'm the worst brother in the world."

"Oh, we know who's the worst," Her blueberry eyes said it all. She wasn't surprised.

"I know, but neither my dad nor I were much help. We were giving him the silent treatment." He hated to tell her how they had a falling out and Rafe wanted Cade to leave. Now Cade wondered if it would have turned out differently if he'd gone to Mercer's.  He nursed his bottom lip.

"Did your dad call the cops?" Maddie wanted to know.

"He said he would give it day or two, you know, see if he can find someone who might know where he went," Cade said he didn't go on his scooter and there wasn't any money missing. He couldn't think he would go far. 

"I know he quit at the coffee shop," Maddie was even lipped about it. She took Rainy's hand then as if to let him know who she took sides with. Nothing was going to tear those two apart. She looked determined not to feel bad about Rafe.

"I'm sure he's fine," Cade wanted to believe. He was so mad at his brother, but he was worried too.

Maddie nodded and took her books. The two went off to the table near the magazines.

"It's OK to be upset," Rainy let her know.

"But I don't want to be," Maddie blurted. "He always wants to make it about..about Rafe."

She couldn't help to be a little bug-eyed. "He's so-"

"What?" Rainy looked puzzled.

"Careless." She pressed her lips tight. "He doesn't care what he's doing to his brother, or even his dad."

"You don't think he ran away...because of you, do you?" Rainy's question hung in the air as if Maddie need to stop thinking that.

"No," she snapped. "I don't believe it for a second. I really don't. I had nothing to do with it." She pulled a lock of hair behind her ear.

"Let me get you a Lemon Lift tea." 

Rainy got up then. He already knew her favorite brew. Unlike Rafe who would get whatever tea pod there was at the K-Cup station. After he left Maddie licked her dry upper lip. She winced then, thinking how chapped her lips were. Finally, a laugh tickled her throat. Oh yeah, she must have kissed Rainy every chance she had. And despite dry lips, she was happy.


  1. love stands tall against all odds and when it happens life is something worth living :)
    beautifully shared dear Ellie
    hugs and best wishes

  2. I'm happy for Maddie but Rafe... and Ruby falling in his lap

  3. i hope everythign will be good with he

  4. Great to see the going on of the story

  5. I like it when Maddie is happy

  6. hola
    yo también estaría preocupada por la desparición de mi hermano, me has dejado con ganas de mas

  7. I keep my fingers crossed that everything ends well for him...

  8. Great chapter as always, Ellie! I hope things work out for everyone. Where did Rafe go? Hmmmmmm.....
    PS Thanks for the heads up on Derailment! It's on Apple TV, and I think I still have my free trial there LOLZ...and I feel you about the hair thing. My hair completely change too after kids! Ack! And. not for the better! I've been grey since high school which is why I've been colouring it for forever....sigh....

  9. Maddie me parece confusa com seus sentimentos e emoções, parece um caledoscópio humano.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Saudações poéticas e cinematográficas.

  10. Bardzo ciekawe i emocjonujące. Tak lubię te twoje historie Ellie :) Kisses

  11. Es genial por ellos. Me encanto este fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  12. It is nicely written.
    Thanks for sharing.

  13. Interesting story, I'm sure it will end well. Best regards.:)

  14. Great.

  15. O mistério de onde está Rafe continua,
    mas Rainy está feliz!😉

  16. I love how Maddie is bouncing back from the mess with Rafe. She's especially strong -- and sassy -- here:

    ' "Oh, we know who's the worst," Her blueberry eyes said it all. She wasn't surprised."

    Also, the bit about her blueberry eyes is nice!

    And then, of course, things are heating up with Rainy . . .

    Very striking black and yellow in the first collage! 🖤💛🖤💛
