Friday, April 19, 2024

When Will I be Loved

 KC wanted to spend some alone time with Harley, but that would not happen with Brick around.

He hated this. He didn't like himself these days. And seeing Maddie didn't help either. Sure, they gave each other the silent treatment, but after a few days of not seeing Rafe around, he had to ask, "What happened?"

Of course, she was in the middle of doing her laundry, giving off a scolding vibe. He wasn't supposed to be here, but he didn't budge.

"Did you and Rafe break up?"

Again, nothing. 

He started telling her about losing his phone. He must have talked about the love of his life, his old phone, for a good five minutes before she nodded. She went on with her clothes but was very discreet about not letting him see her panties or bras.

"Didn't you hear, Rafe ran away," Maddie sighed.

"Ran away?" KC squinted. "What are you talking about?" He couldn't help but scowl.

"I'm not seeing him anymore."

"Oh yeah, that artsy dude," he told her he noticed. "What do see in him?" He couldn't help but crack up.

"A lot more than what I see in you," she didn't smile. It was as if it was time he knew he needed to shut up. 

KC then told her he and Ruby broke up. "I don't even know why," he wasn't terribly sad about it, yet he felt a little lost without her. "She just kept asking me if I had anything else to tell her." He knew he was talking to himself. Maddie wasn't listening. But then again, when had he ever listened to her.


  1. OMG! I can't wait for next chapter :)


  2. Sometimes it's better not to say anything. especially if it wouldn't be helpful.

  3. Just the title is enough to be thoughtful:-)

  4. Broken up, Oh dear -Christine

  5. The title fits the chapter very well.

  6. hola,
    que ganas de seguir leyendo, a ver donde acaba esta conversación

    1. Hello,
      I can't wait to keep reading, let's see where this conversation ends 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈 Thanks for reading!

  7. Un saluto carissima, un bel capitolo, bellissimi i tuoi personaggi, complimenti sempre per la tua fantasia, baci baci🌸

    1. A dearest greeting, a nice chapter, beautiful characters, always compliments for your fantasy, kisses kisses🌸

      Thanks so much. It's good to hear from you!

  8. Tak, tytuł daje do myślenia
    Pozdrawiam mżawką za oknem

  9. Ala ala!!! Me has dejado con ganas de más.

    1. Wing wing!! You've left me wanting more.🩷🩷🩷 Thanks!

  10. Hello!
    Sometimes without thinking we say the wrong thing! And we run the risk of being misunderstood! Oh sometimes we say what we think just to ourselves and when we are provoked it suddenly comes out!
    I wish you a nice weekend!

  11. Depois desta resposta em relação ao que ela ver em Rafe: "Muito mais do que vejo em você", eu teria indo embora. Beijos!

    1. Actually, she was talking about Rainy her new boyfriend from Art Class.

  12. Loving and being loved is the greatest desire of all humanity, whatever stage of life we are at.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  13. Ouch she told him lol.

    Meanwhile Ruby haha

  14. An amusing convo between KC and Maddie! I love how salty Maddie's getting. Also, the Tokyo shorts are cool. 🎀💙

    I hope all went well at the dentist! 😁🦷
