Sunday, June 16, 2024

Stay at home Sunday Girl

 "You're not mad at me, are you?" Boone remained even-lipped waiting for Rafe's reaction, as a cold sweat trinkled down his neck. It was hot in the bakery kitchen, and he'd pulled out the cupcakes to cool.

"No, of course not."

But Rafe gave him a sullen look and before Boone knew it, Rafe said, "Maybe that's why Lily is mad at you."

"This has nothing to do with Maddie," Boone couldn't help but fume about it with a lower lip. He explained to him they were just roommates. "She has her room I have my room. Besides, she's always on the run." Maddie usually tended to her phone when she was there.

It was a lot different than he expected. She left him alone. He left her alone. They might have breakfast together, but that wasn't often. They were both early birds and liked to keep their doors shut. It couldn't get any more mundane.

"She's a good roommate," Boone nodded. "Besides, is there a chance you two might get back together?" She was still Rafe's girlfriend in Boone's eyes.


Rafe laughed with a wince as he went on with his chore.

"Things are that good with Ruby?" Boone couldn't see Rafe moving that fast. After all, he'd been a careful driver these days. He had a feeling Ruby had something to do with it. He wasn't as carefree as Boone remembered.

"'s really not what you think." 

Still, Rafe was being a mystery in his whirlwind romance with the redhead.

"We've got a lot going on," Rafe shrugged as he was a little stressed. "Eventually, yeah, I think it'll happen. But, she needed a friend. And I'm that friend. She's got her issues like most of us, but I can see she trying this adulting thing, and I am too."

Boone guessed he knew. Hadn't he been adulting, as well?

"Just be the friend Maddie needs. She doesn't have a lot of family. And she isn't all that good at making friends."

"But she broke up with Rainy," Boone thought Rafe should know.

"I thought he was her everything." Rafe went mute after he said it. Boone could tell he was happy about that.

"She made the right choice. Rainy is in Kansas going to college." Boone told him that Maddie was working at the library now.

"Oh, she should be a librarian," Rafe nodded. 

Boone went back to his multi-tasking. For a moment Boone had to wonder if Rafe had more life goals than he did. Really, he didn't know if he was doing anything right.


  1. Poor Boone-Christine

  2. Sometimes you question yourself about what you are doing.

  3. It's nice to read your stories. I like those with a lot of dialogue. Warm regards.

  4. I understand her, I'm difficult to make friends with too, maybe she wants some privacy to get her thoughts in order!

  5. Gostei desta conversa entre os dois.
    Passar o domingo em casa รฉ bom demais!

    1. I enjoyed this conversation between the two of them.
      Spending Sunday at home is too good!
      Kisses!^o^ ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿฉท๐Ÿ’—Thank you so much for your comment!

  6. Today on Father's Day is truly a Sunday to stay at home.
    (๊ˆแด—๊ˆ) Poetic and cinematographic greetings.

  7. Espero que Boone encuentre lo que busca Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  8. If he tries to complicate things even more, nothing good will come of it...
