Monday, June 24, 2024

When Mercer Met Cowan

 Mercer felt at ease, making the move to Lincoln. Maybe it was all Cowan's doing. He saw that look of Izzy's as if this might be totally impossible.

"Oh, she's always thinking the worst," Cowan told him. "I know I'm probably too short for her."

"What?" Mercer couldn't help but smile. He liked meeting short people. After all, he was short himself, but he and Cowan were both taller than tiny Izzy.

They'd all met up a couple of days before Mercer and Cade set off for their Paris trip. It was good catching up with Izzy and her new boyfriend. Although, she kept muttering he wasn't her boyfriend.

"Well, you know, I've heard it before," Cowan winced about the matter while Izzy was off in the restroom and Cade was getting everyone ice cream. "You don't date, do you?"

"Huh," Mercer wasn't sure what the drama major was talking about.

"Oh, you know, from those professors and that fraternity of guys who wouldn't let me in to write plays with." Cowan shrugged. It seemed he liked comedy. Especially, old comedy reruns on TV. "I guess they just couldn't take me seriously." It seemed he thought Izzy was that way about him too.

"But..but she was really hurt when Link upped and left," Mercer remembered. "I mean, we all thought they'd always be together."

"I  know." Cowan said she still talked about Link from time to time. "I guess it was just a fluke that I moved in. And yeah, I'm glad we're more than roommates now. I know I'm not the most romantic guy in the world, but.." he cracked up. "She's cute and I feel cute with her..if..if she'll let me."

Mercer guessed he could help. Most of the trip to Paris, he was texting Izzy about everything. Of course, Cowan came up on her end of the texting. Mercer told her he thought Cowan was good for her. And somehow, it all worked out. Mercer would be moving into Cowan's room and she would be with Cowan in her room.

"How did you do it?" Cade wanted to know what Mercer was up to.

"Oh, it wasn't a plan," Mercer said he hadn't even thought of plotting it. "I like know, as in being Izzy's boyfriend."

"Well, tell him, he needs to be more affectionate," Cade recalled how Izzy had told him that Cowan was gay and of course, that worried Cade about Mercer moving in.

Mercer had a good laugh. "You can't be serious," Mercer sighed about the matter. He knew it would all work out, even if it felt he would be the poorest college student around. Still, his parents were glad he'd be at Izzy's. They'd always liked her and the rent would be good. They'd help him out. Even so, he hated to have to count on his parents. Of course, he couldn't drive a car due to his epilepsy. Truly, he didn't want to dwell on his troubles. And he was glad to have Izzy and Cowan around.


  1. Wish you a wonderful new week

  2. There are so many things in life that shape us in to who we are and some people think they know the whole story. Have a great day!

  3. Thanks for other interesting chapter and thank you for always comment my posts
    I am so happy have you in this blogger world
    Hugs my friend! ♥

  4. Oh yes really nice stuff for summer =) I hope that too but they sound really delicious.

    Really interesting post. This shirt with the cat is so cute.

  5. Udanego tygodnia dla Ciebie :)

  6. Me gusta Mercer es muy fuerte a pesar de sus problemas. Te mando un beso.

  7. Interesting I had a friend who suffered from some kind of disorder and he was driving and had seizure and froze in place, it was crazy. Cute kitten sweater!

    Allie of

  8. Dear Ellie sorry you are having flu .I wish you a speedy recovery

  9. Unable to publish long comment so trying quick one

  10. I enjoyed the episode and how young people trying to get adjusted with new relationship.
    I loved how their friends support them unconditionally in their decision

    1. Thank you so much for your sweet comment. I so appreciate them (✿◡‿◡)

  11. Very nice episode, can't wait for the next part :-)

  12. hola
    me gusta Mercer, es un personaje potente

    1. I like Mercer, he's a powerful character💗💗💗💗Thank you so much. Yes, I like Mercer too...especially with Cade.

  13. Beautiful friendship leads to another, yeah need to be fit to drive and even hang around. Thanks for sharing.

  14. they all seem to be a cute pack of friends;)

    1. Thanks..I try to keep it that, but sometimes life can bring bad apples.

  15. I think that the support of loved ones is a very important thing. And needed by everyone.
    Thank you very much for visiting me.
    I send you my best regards.

  16. This story - chapter looks really good.

  17. Tomara que dê tudo certo para Mercer, não ficar pensando
    em problemas e ter amigos por perto já ajuda muito! Beijos! :)

    1. Hopefully everything goes well for Mercer, not thinking about
      problems and having friends around already helps a lot! Kisses! :)💕💗🍧So true. And hopefully Mercer will find his place while his boyfriend will be in the dorm the next 4 years.

  18. Co rozdział to lepszy i ciekawy. Fantastyczna lektura. Super piszesz.

  19. I found this part to be very endearing:

    "Mercer couldn't help but smile. He liked meeting short people. After all, he was short himself, but he and Cowan were both taller than tiny Izzy."

    Overall, Mercer's outlook is so sunny. Even his epilepsy doesn't get him down! I hope that that serves him well as he starts college -- and that he and Cade survive it. 🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞🌞

  20. This part made me smile like Mercer:

    "Mercer couldn't help but smile. He liked meeting short people. After all, he was short himself, but he and Cowan were both taller than tiny Izzy."

    Because like Cowan, I heart comedy. 💖😁
