Sunday, December 29, 2024

I see your face and I will survive

 It was the last thing KC expected from Millie's family. They wanted her to move in with him. 

Granted KC thought he might be gasping for air at the Christmas dinner table. Unbelievable was the only word that came to mind and he couldn't even say it.

"We just don't want you to rush into marriage, you know," her father said. "I mean, if you just want to see how, it goes."

KC thought he might be talking about a three week trial or something, but then when he said the whole year, KC thought they might be buying a membership of some kind.

It was all new to him. It wasn't until he was helping with getting the dishes cleaned up that he learned from Millie's mother they were afraid she might never leave home.

"This is our chance," she smiled ever so brightly as she gave him a pat on the back as if he was taking her off their hands.

"But..but do you even know me?" He looked wide-eyed thinking if Millie were his daughter he couldn't let her go that easily.

"Don't you know, it's because of you," her mother told him. "We wouldn't want her to be with anyone else. We trust you. You've been so kind to her, and helpful."

She talked how they'd been worried about her going into music like her sister.

"Oh, that sister of hers," her mother shook her head. "We just gave up, after a while, and prayed she didn't get hurt. But Millie, she's this little delicate flower and you've helped her bloom. She is one of a kind, and I think you know that."

KC was still in shock. Could this really be happening?

It was long after Christmas that they went through the same dinner practically with his own parents. And they looked at them as if they were old enough. Nobody was stopping them, as he imagined.

"You're not afraid are you?" Millie gave him the eye later when she was looking around the apartment. She wanted to know if she got her own closet.  Of course, when they got to the bedroom, she noticed the mattress on the floor.

"Well, are you attached to it?" She wanted to know. He shook his head, no. It was just something from Good Will.

She said she had a bedroom set which included a nightstand, a dresser, and a small vanity. KC scratched the back of his. In fact, he wondered if he'd pull his hair out before it was over. Millie would certainly give the place a lot of personality. After all, she had quite a few guitars too.

Yes, a whole lot of changes were coming in 2025.


  1. A brand new year -Christine

  2. Yes.

  3. The parents are so open minded. And changes are good and a must!

  4. Other amazing chapter, can't wait to read the chapters you will write next year
    Happy end of the year
    Hugs ♥

  5. Should be an interesting year for both of them.

  6. I hope that 2025 is good to the both of them.


  7. El nuevo año siempre trae problemas y alegrías. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  8. Mais um bom capítulo, 2025 é o ano das mudanças, bjs Ellie.

  9. Bom dia e uma excelente segunda-feira. Desejo um Feliz 2025, cheio de paz e saúde.

  10. Another interesting chapter. May the new year bring new possibilities and good changes.
    May each day of the New Year bring happiness, good cheer, and sweet surprises…
    Happy New Year!

  11. Again, a nicely written chapter.

    I wish you a wonderful last day of the year and especially good health for the new 2025.


  12. 2025 will be wonderful.
    Happy new Year!

  13. Hello, without a doubt 2025 is a good opportunity for changes, greetings
