Wednesday, January 8, 2025

But I'm gonna take this heart of stone

 It was great to ring in the new year with Slater and friends for Koda. Of course, Vanna's mother was still here just trying to show both of them how to really take care of a baby.

"What about your family? Did you see any of them during the holidays?" Slater wanted to know.

"Well, we tried," Koda knew it was a long shot. He didn't go to the Rez but he went to the truckstop nearby where he hoped his mother might be, but she was riding with someone now on the route up to the Dakotas and as it was, her and her new fellow had gone south to Arizona.

"That's a shame," Slater asked if his Mom even knew about the baby.

"Oh, I don't have her new phone number, but I did get to see an uncle, and he talked about my Dad. He saw him after Thanksgiving."

Koda nodded, knowing it was all troubling. He felt bad for missing them, but they were all at least working and that had to count for something.

"Maybe next Christmas," he didn't know what else to say. 

There was a crash of laughter like a curse, coming from the kitchen. Of course, it was Vanna's mother.

Koda smiled with a cough wondering how long could this go on, but she was the life of the party. The women stood around listening to her stories as if she might be getting ready for open mic night at the nearby comedy club.

He went to get the baby from Vanna who looked just as unhappy as he felt. Oh, they were glad she was here, but it felt as if they had to baby Patty just as much.

Most definitely her Heather Graham days were over. She'd gained some weight after her last adventure. Come to think of it, Koda had to wonder if she'd met his mother. They both had something in common. Truckdrivers.

Not that there was anything wrong with that, but Patty was talking about going to New Mexico. She was just waiting for some guy named Leonard to come through. He most definitely wanted to spend January there. At least it was on Patty's mind and Koda and Vanna's too.


  1. Smutne że rodzice Patty nie są razem. To na pewno trudne dla dziewczynki. Kolejny wspaniały rozdział Ellie. Mam nadzieję że wszystko się rozwiąże. Ściskam mocno ♥️♥️♥️♥️

    1. It's sad that Patty's parents aren't together. It's definitely difficult for a girl. Another great chapter for Ellie. I hope that everything will be resolved. I hug tightly ♥️♥️♥️♥️ Thanks so much! Vanna sees her mom Patty more than she does her dad. Yet, her mom hasn't been the same since the divorce.

  2. Usually when you wait for someone or something for a long time and it never happens, the heart tends to get cold.
    (ꈍᴗꈍ) Poetic and cinematic greetings.

  3. Interesting chapter, thanks for sharing
    I hope your year began so well, mine is being tired and not too much happy, I hope it will be better soon
    Sending hugs ♥

  4. Interesting -Christine


  5. The situation also sounds sad.

  6. Uy da un poco de pena. Te mando un beso.

  7. Nice title and a nicely written story.

  8. Ellie mais um bom capítulo que você trouxe bjs.

    1. Ellie another good chapter you brought 💛💛💛💛💛Thanks so much!

  9. Nice t osee how Vanna and Koda are doing. PAtty sounds like she has a lot of stories. Holidays can be bittersweet too when you don't get to see everyone...

  10. Great chapter, I like the way you write, greetings

  11. Where to spend January?
    Some say that January is the most depressive month, but I do not feel it is.
