Tuesday, January 14, 2025

There's someone in this crazy world for me


"So do you think you've come to an understanding?" Axton wanted to know when he and Oliver had lunch together at the Children's Center where they worked. Of course, they were both brown bagging, but it wasn't often they had time to eat together.

"I don't know," Oliver examined the tuna sandwich that Axton made for him. He'd been nice enough to bring an extra because he'd been talking about how Chili put a little soy sauce in the tuna and it made all the difference. They were talking about their women problems.

"I tried to find things Gabby might like," Oliver shrugged and took a mouthful of the sandwich. "I mean, her family is right here in town and she won't even see them. Something about they never liked that guy she used to be married to." Oliver sighed but told Axton he thought the tuna was really good and could he have the recipe.

Axton grinned. "Oh, Chili would kill me if I let go of that recipe. I mean, I try to watch what she does, you know."

"But you guys had some nice holidays, didn't you?" Oliver looked at him.

"I suppose," Axton told him that he knew Chili wanted to set a wedding date. "But it's too cold to think about a wedding."

"It could be a destination, thing, you know, like Vegas," Oliver reminded him of a co-worker they both knew who got married in Vegas over the holidays.

"I know, I don't mean to be dragging my feet and all," Axton nodded as he went to finish off the bottle of green tea he'd made himself. Something else, Chili taught him to make. 

"Then..then just do it," Oliver made it sound like ripping off a bandaid of some kind. Maybe he was joking as he smiled at Axton.

"Boy, what would you know, you didn't even marry Carrie's mother,"

"Lesson learned. Yes, it is a good idea to marry and divorce, I guess." He was even lipped then.

"You can't just let Gabby run the show, you just need to talk," Axton told him.

"Is that what you and Chili are doing?" Oliver's smile was quick.

"Well..." Axton looked Oliver in the eye. "You should sleep with her, you know. Just so you know if you're compatible." He finished off the drink.

"Now, how long do you reckon it takes you to figure something out like that?" Oliver wanted to know.

"I'd give it six weeks."

Axton bit into a chip then.

"Six weeks?" Oliver squinted.

"You got any better ideas?"

Oliver turned away from him so he could drink the canned lemonade. Axton knew he might spew it all over him if thought on it.


  1. I have mixed feelings about all this co-habiting young people do now days. It seems they don't take relationships seriously enough to know whether or not they're in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together...which IMHO is what marriage is about. On the otherhand, maybe if they live together for a short while it would reduce the number of divorces? I don't know, it just seems like people live together a long time, buy a house together, then get a dog thinking that helps them be prepared for parenthood which is ridiculous...then they have a child or 2, then consider getting married. Your writing is always interesting.

    1. Thanks for your perspective. Yes, if they do get out of the house (from their family) they tend to live longer together before marriage, but some of those do end in divorce..yet, afterwards, they get back together to live with each other. As I was writing this, I was wondering what people would think..especially what Axton said. Deep down I feel both want families they never had. And they have been hurt by past relationships. Still, I feel Oliver would be reluctant to start of anything with his high school friend Gabby.
      Thanks again for reading and your comment. I appreciate it very much.

  2. Me gusto, esta genial la historia. Besos

  3. That's funny. I had t olaugh at Axtons' advice. He kind of a riot!

    Love that quote.

    1. Oh, and to think that's from The Carpenters Song. Well, Axton says all this, but in the end he does what ever Chili tells him to do...just not as quick as she'd like.

  4. hola
    me he puesto al día con los capítulos y ha sido una gozada leer varios de un tirón.

    1. Thanks for reading and thanks for your comment!

  5. So many life decisions! Nice writing!

    1. Thanks so much. Thanks for reading (✿◡‿◡)

  6. Yes, that's exactly how friends talk to each other.

    1. Thanks, I was hoping someone would say that.

  7. Genial fragmento. Te mando un beso.

  8. Oooooo....I think I missed some chapters coz I'm a bit lost with what's going on with Oliver, but I am liking the drama of course:D And LOL on the 6 weeks:P
    PS When The Phone Rings sounds like a good one, Ellie! Thanks for the heads up. Thrillers are right up my alley:)
    Hope you're having a great start to the New Year so far. Been cold lately, like in your area! I'm so over winter...sigh....

  9. Thanks for the chapter, I liked it. I understand less and less the young people of today, and I'm not that old, or is it because they are men and their dynamics in terms of relationships and conversations are so different from that of women? Greetings.

  10. Soya sauce in tuna? Now I will have to give it a try. It's too cold to think about a wedding? How so?

  11. How amazing chapter, can't wait to read more!!
    Thank you for all your comments, you always make me smile
    I hope you are good! ♥

  12. It's nicely written again.
    Nice chapter.

  13. I feel little agree with first comment Ellie honestly
    But I think having so much freedom and so many options makes people go crazy often
    It’s kind of power youth of modern day has actually and it’s natural that not everyone knows how to handle the power
