"This is so hard," Millie was ready to crash. She just didn't know what people wanted from her. "I must have been crazy thinking I could get married in May."
Of course, she didn't know she would have a table of people surrounding her at the coffee shop. Mattie and Harley were there, along with KC's little step-sister Junie. She didn't have any answers for them. She didn't even have any colors picked out.
"What's your favorite color?" Mattie asked.
"Oh, I don't know," she looked at her sleepily. "Yellow, maybe."
"Maybe?" Junie looked at her as if she needed to decide.
"Well, I know you don't have much money, but Boone said, he'd bake the cake and..and his mom always knows how to get a deal and people to help. You, said you wanted to have it at the gazebo at the park." Mattie said looking over her lovely notebook off doodles and drawings.
"We could all go thrifting," Harley piped in.
Millie nodded at the idea.
"We could get help from the school," Junie mentioned the drama department and the Prom boutique.
Millie found herself softly laughing. Oh, she should have been working on a paper for an online lit class. Her legs were sore from standing too much at the bowling alley where she ran the concessions for her Uncle. She couldn't even manage three bites of her cheese burger.
"What's so funny?" Junie looked at her a bit hurt.
"Oh, it's not you, it's just me, thinking this is just a drama production of some kind," Millie couldn't stop laughing.
Mattie sighed. "Are you sure you're really ready for marriage?"
"I think that's the easy part," Millie said the apartment was ready and they had looked into seeing how they would spend their money together and what their goals were in the future. "I don't think either of us were thinking about the wedding part." She looked at the girls who were possibly the best friends she'd ever had. "He's my best friend. We write songs together. I'm excited to say I'll be his wife."
"We're excited for you two and we want to make the best celebration we can-"
"On a budget," Millie looked at them with big eyes. "We are on a budget."
"Yeah, we better get to Prom boutique before all the prom dresses are taken," Junie reminded her the dresses always went fast right before Prom.
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