Monday, March 17, 2025

With laughter and cheer, They raised a pint here.......

 Chili finally faced the fact, she couldn't handle the corned beef.

"Maybe, I should close," she called Em. No way could she even stay in the building. It made her ill. It was the first time she realised what morning sickness could do to her day. She wanted to tell her friend she wanted to close the coffee shop for a week, but that would be a wild idea. But the stench made her ill. What was she thinking? It was St. Patricks day. She should have just gone with green smoothies and green lattes and be done with it. But no, she was hoping for a rush with her corned beef stew with Guinness.

"Don't say that," Em was to the rescue. "If you can take care of the baby, then I'll take care of the coffee shop."

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that," Chili just couldn't. But there were tears in her eyes from all the throwing up and she needed to get back to the bathroom.

"You need to get out of there before it's too late," Em said, she would call for reinforcements. It wasn't until she got to Em's that she realized Em meant calling Jen to take care of Chili while Em and Remi went to see about the coffee shop.  Of course, this meant she got to see baby Dove (Remi's baby).

It did put her at ease. Still, it felt as if it might be a year before her and Axel's baby would arrive. Of course, Jen wanted her to take it easy. She didn't want her to overdo it. But it didn't smell of stinky corned beef so she was good.

"Why do people even celebrate St. Patrick's?" Jen said it was just a holiday for day drinking that went far into the night.

"Well," Chili liked to think of it as promoting something at the coffee shop. Something to bring in customers. "I..I just should have gone with a mint green shake, you know."

Even then, it made her squeamish to think of a green shake. Still, she didn't sell alcohol. "I guess we all want to feel a little Irish." Chili shrugged.

"Well, dye your hair red and put on a few freckles," Jen's thoughts on the matter.

Chili just chuckled. She was happy someone was taking care of her with a pot of chamomile tea. It was probably just what she needed on this busy Monday holiday.


  1. It makes me smile how Americans go crazy over St Patrick's Day! Guinness is probably good for Chili's baby, I used to drink it after I've given blood. She should definitely take Em up on her kind offer and let her run the coffee shop until her symptoms subside. xxx

  2. It's not a shame to ask for help, Chili...and enjoy your chamomile tea.

  3. That's a nice post and well written.

  4. Very nice. Happy St. Patrick's Day.

  5. Aw friends take good care of each other. :) Happy St PAt's!

  6. Siempre es bueno tener amigos que s e cuidan. Te mando un beso.
