Sunday, October 5, 2008

At Ellie's

Eric really didn't even want to put in his two weeks notice at work. He'd had enough. He wanted out. It was beginning to show he wasn't perhaps who his boss thought he was. Of course, it finally dawned on Eric that all those freebies he was getting last year, might not have been completely free.

His boss was wanting to...

He didn't know how to explain this to Ellie. It wasn't exactly a pass or was it? Everything seemed to be hitting a nerve with him lately since Dylan had tried to kiss him.

"If he makes you feel uncomfortable, you should really quit." Ellie nodded about the matter while they were trying, well... attempting something with duct tape in Ellie's room.

"Thank God, you said that." That was a relief. It was what he wanted to hear.


"But what?"

"You can't just suddenly be anti-gay, either." She remained even lipped.

"What do you mean?"

"OK, you were really really close to being, you know-" she wouldn't say it. "Its just if somebody is really your friend, you can't stop liking them because of it... because that's just a part of them that makes them who they are."

"You're making this complicated." He was starting to unwind silver duct tape then.

"No I'm not." She put her hair on top of her head then.

"This is about Cory, isn't it?" He started cutting strips.

"I guess." She nodded watching him cut the strips small.

"Its just we don't have anything in common, anymore." Which was true. Was she expecting, them to go on double dates with him now. No way was he going anywhere with Cory and Dylan, again.

"If he hadn't been there at the party-"

"If he hadn't wanted to go to the party we could have avoided the whole thing." He reminded her.

"I guess." She shrugged pulling her snug T-shirt tight over her tush, that she told him she hadn't worn since sixth grade. It was definitely form fitting. And she wasn't wearing a bra either which he definitely noticed.

"Are you really ready for this?" He had the first piece ready. He looked at the directions once more for the duct tape dress form. Yeap, had to start with the tits.

"OK." She took a deep breath. "This is all in the sake of making clothes for me, and no one else."

"I hope this works." He took a deep breath too. Eric stuck a strip on the left side very carefully. That was his favorite, actually, but that was something he wasn't willing to share with her at the moment. "Oops was I suppose to start at the bottom of the shirt first?"

*See how to make your own duct tape dress form. Here. Its a little different directions than from Subversive Seamstress.


  1. lol. my friend sound like eric. about everyone and everything seems to be hitting a nerve. haha.

    that's cool about duct tape dress form. really really cool.

  2. Hi there-Ellies advice is spot on to Eric, hope he solves his dilemma.

  3. All this because of Dylan having tried to kiss him? That seems to have got to him. And the duct tape dress - what a cool idea ^^

  4. Cool. Love the dress form idea. I hope he listens to Ellie.

  5. holy crap, ellie! lmao I wasn't sure what they were doing at first, I thought it was some S&M thing. lmfao!!!!!!

    i love this chapter. it's very funny, to tell you the truth. very great! :) well done!

  6. duct tape dress?!

    what a cool idea!

  7. Yeaahh i want to know how it looks the duct tape dress.

    Hugs !!

  8. Very interesting. Cool. Keep going.

  9. By the way, I just looked at the link of how to make the duct tape dress. Wow, sure looks very futuristic! You mustn't put on weight with that ^^

  10. Lol the duck tape dress!

  11. okay.That's a complicated situation.



  12. here it is, thanks so much for the encouragement! it's just the first chapter, about tommy when he gets outed as a fraud and hedwig becomes famous, all through the pov of an old friend of tommy's.
    hope you like it so far!
