Wednesday, December 2, 2009

making a house a home

They needed a bed.

"Why didn't we just order one on the Internet?" Ellie looked at Lon.

"Because you have to know what you're getting. You have to sleep around." He shrugged.

"We are talking about beds, aren't we?" She squinted.

They were on their way to the furniture mart to find one as fast as possible. Lon had gotten some old dresser and mirror from someone he worked with. He'd repainted them black to go with the dark olive green walls he'd painted in the bedroom. He was doing his best to get everything moved in.

It was crunch time.

They had to be in Texas by the 15th for Lonnie's wedding. They wouldn't stay long. He'd gotten airline tickets the day he found out about the wedding. It was best to make this painless as possible.

He zoomed on his truck with Ellie. Olivia was watching Charlie during the move. So that was one less distraction for them.

"I want us to get what we like. What we'd love to rest on." He'd settled on. He just hoped it was something he and Ellie both liked.

They both liked the good stand by that looked like something in an Amish house, he guessed, with the black headboard. It was solid and sturdy enough.

"We might could get a bed frame just as good at Wal-mart." Ellie shrugged.

"What? No." He winced. "We are not getting our bed at Wal-mart." He didn't mean to fuss about it as he started laying on one mattress after another. Finally he found one that was just the firmness his back needed. There was just something about the luscious pillow curve of it that was so comforting. It was a beautiful mattress. He smiled as if he found the one. Ellie laid still next to him. She was awful quiet.

"Are you going to sleep on me?" He lifted up on his elbows and looked at her.

She yawned with a deep sigh.

He asked the salesman then if they could deliver this one to their new place tomorrow.


  1. Hi there-its great to hear how settled they are getting their place all sorted.

  2. That's what you need to do find the right mattress.

  3. I think shopping for beds can be quite fun. When I used to go furniture shopping with my parents as a child, I used to love testing the beds with my sister and arguing over the best ones!

  4. I see the Love Brothers blog is gone. Why? LONNIE IS GETTING MARRIED?! TO WHO?
