Monday, May 19, 2014

A night to remember

A night to remember was awkward.

Officially, Syreeta and Clive weren't at prom as a date, but they worked to get the gym ready for Junior and Seniors and those who were invited to prom. It took all week long, but now with the lights were out and it was glam and glittery. They were manning the punch bowl with guess who?

Sawyer and Angie.

Of course, Clive was putting on a show of all his cool dance moves. He was making Angie giggle all the while. Syreeta crossed her arms and felt she was having to nag him as if Clive were his child.

"You know, this isn't our dance." Syreeta protested. Naturally, Sawyer was doing his best to not even look her way. He wasn't exactly the welcoming party.

"Oh, I don't think it would hurt if you two wanted to dance. Sawyer and I can take care of the drink table." Angie looked really cute in her pale pink dress and little rose earrings.

Syreeta rolled her eyes as if she wouldn't dare, but Clive held out his hand to Angie and she took to the dance floor with him with one of his wild dance mooves as he slid across the gym floor.

Syreeta and Sawyer were alone.

Now Syreeta felt her stomach tense. She hugged herself harder as they stood silent. But a Euro-disco song played on. Who ever was in charge of the playlist was really having fun, she thought with a sigh.

"Angie's really sweet." Syreeta found herself telling Sawyer as if he'd moved on.

"She's not my girlfriend." He said ever so cold.

"Well..Clive's not my boyfriend, either." She informed him.

"He looks like your boyfriend." He stared at her for a quick second.

"Sawyer, I wish you didn't hate me so much." Syreeta let slip. Actually, she hated the idea of anyone hating her.

He poured someone a plastic cup of punch. Sawyer was so good at ignoring her. She knew she'd ask for this. He definitely could never be her friend. Maybe it was best that Angie wasn't his girlfriend. Syreeta turned to watch Angie. If only she could be that happy.


  1. Sounds great. You had a wonderful time!

  2. Memories are made of this! I remember my own prom oh so many years ago! Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! I am your newest follower!

  3. So great... it was like I was there... Thank you for your comment on my blog :-)

  4. Such an awkward and hard time for Sawyer. Sometimes, he can be a butthead.
