Monday, June 16, 2014

just a few more days

Just a few more days

"Honey, why are you still here?" Camille knew they were cutting it close with the wedding this week, but she hadn't meant to keep Josie away from seeing Dean, down to the bus station. "Don't you have some place to be?"

"No, not really." She was counting the flower arrangements for the table settings. It would be a pot luck block party practically, but still there was a touch of wedding bliss even in the glass mason jars.

"Honey? Is there something you aren't telling me?" Camille festered a concerned look. She really hadn't meant to ignore her daughter, but there was the other one that always needed her attention.

"No." Josie sounded ever so dull as if she might be sleepwalking.

"What happened?" She wanted to know everything going on with Josie and all of her friends.

"I'm fine Mom." Josie's eyes were large, but sad.

"He broke up with you, didn't he?" She suspected it would happen, but Josie hadn't had a great hunger strike nor shut herself up in her room.

Josie shrugged as if she could not speak of it.

"You, should still go to the bus station to see him off." Her mother gave her the look to do the right thing.

"I can't." She gritted.

"You, want to say goodbye. Be strong for him. OK?" Camille couldn't help but want to console her, but as usual, Josie wouldn't have that.

Josie went off toward the make shift stage they were building in the back yard. Yes, there would be music. Hopefully, members in Derrick's band were speaking to each other.


  1. Fingers crossed that everything goes off without a hitch!


  2. Josie is having a problem making up her mind!

  3. Josie should go see Dean regardless... she has a lot on her mind and I am sure he does too..

  4. Oh, hopefully, Josie will do the right thing.
