Wednesday, February 18, 2015

oh really

oh really

"What is the big deal?" Alo smiled.

Oh, he knew something was wrong on Valentines day. Vada just wasn't herself. She was kind of bleak and didn't want him talking about Jude at all. She didn't see anything Lars about Jude.

Finally, she told him about Dean coming for a visit.

"Well, of course, I want to go. I want to meet..all of your family." Granted, her family might not be blood related, but still they were family.

"Gage will be there." She didn't look so happy about that.

"Well..maybe..maybe..he's not as bad as you remember." Alo was serious. "I saw him with his girlfriend at the Christmas ball, they seemed pretty tight. I gotta really aren't on his mind anymore."

Now she definitely looked disgruntled. Like she might punch him.

"Ouch." He chuckled. "I don't want to make you mad. I really can pissed you are about this whole situation. But look, Dean has moved on. Gage is not a psycho..and look..even Ren is happy." He crossed his arms, thinking it was true...Vada didn't want to let herself be happy.

Finally, he gave her a hug, wishing she could get out of this funk.

Evidently, she hated the Valentines day dinner of lobster.

"How about a burger?" He suggested. The library would be closing soon. They could go to the nearby diner.

"No, I'm trying to cut carbs." She swelled a frown.

"Why?" She looked perfect to him. "OK, I hear they do a really amazing Burger in a Bowl. How about that?"

She shrugged slightly. He thought that was a yes.

About then, Jude found him. They did a friendly handshake gesture as if they were truly roomies.

"Did someone one say burger?" Jude smiled. Well, he was in. He'd meet them at the diner.


  1. I think Vada needs to look in front of her... either that or she will sorry when she is older and realizes she could have had Alo... he won't wait around forever...

  2. Vada really needs to open her eyes to potential romance.

