Tuesday, February 16, 2016

the new outsiders

the new outsiders

It was true, Randy was taking his sweet time, getting back in the groove of things. School. Actually.

In all honesty, he detested it. He swore he'd never learn anything at school, other than hide from those who wanted to bring him down, but now he had a job at the grocery store. And he had to see Bree with her boyfriend Connor.

"I guess, you guys made up." He shrugged ever so quietly, when he found her in the school hallway alone.

"I guess." She barely said.

"That doesn't sound like an answer to me." He winced a wink with a lopsided smile. Maybe they did have a chance, after all. Of course, he talked about working at the grocery store. "I'm just the cart guy." He couldn't tell her how much he hated it. Especially, going out in the cold every night to drag those grocery carts in. It wasn't all that much different than living on the streets, yet, at least he had his own room, and he could read as many graphic novels to his delight, except for homework.

He slightly scowled. He didn't see that one coming so soon.

"See you around." He knew when he was beat. After all, Bree had all the devotion a teenage girl could need. He could see it in Connor's eyes. She was the one.

But the fact remained in Randy's heart too..SHE WAS THE ONE.

He'd missed the early morning wedding of Carson and Brittany. In fact, he'd never been to one and didn't plan to ever go to a wedding, anyway.

No, before he knew it..the high school halls were empty, only one hung back, and that was Cho (his shadow the past few days).

"So what do you want to do?" He asked without even looking at Cho.

"I dunno."

"We could hide out under the bleachers in the gym, until the next class." Randy shrugged. He noticed Cho's toothy grin. It was sort of sad. Randy evened out his smile. It finally hit him, who Cho reminded him of. "How about you be Johnny Cade and I'll be Ponyboy."

Cho didn't disagree, but followed Randy to his secret path. He'd already scoped out where all the cameras were in the school. They could get by undetected.