Sunday, January 15, 2017

black bird singing

black bird singing

"Are you sure?" Ducky's voice was a little sick. Or at least, Joey thought Ducky was coming down with a cold.

 Joey continued to chop onion in the kitchen. He was helping Corina with dinner while Xander talked about his relative.

"We've got the room." Ducky told him, it was official. Jamie moved out.

Joey blew a breath, wishing he'd wore goggles for this chore, but the news of Xander's uncle did have him curious.

Xander was being very quiet. He didn't nix the idea...but.

"Oh come on." Joey chirped in, or was he just talking to himself. "You know, you want us to meet him." Joey grinned as if it was an automatic YES. "He doesn't have to move in."

Ducky looked over his shoulder. Joey could tell, he'd really butted... into their personal conversation.

Joey went back to chopping. He then asked Corina about the peppers. Did they want the seeds or not?

"You know, you like it spicy." She giggled and for a moment he thought they might be talking about something else. He cleared his throat and slightly bumped butted her, which only gave way to more giggles.

"Just invite him over to dinner." Joey said. It was the least they could. Besides, they were all here tonight. That didn't happen often.

"All right." Xander reached for his phone in his back pocket.

Joey then wondered if Xander had this Sid's phone number in his contacts already, or would he have to call his step-mom. He waited to listen. Joey guessed Xander had Sid on direct dial. Maybe they were fast friends, after all.

Joey put the chopped onions and peppers in a bowl. Evidently, by Xander's smile...his uncle was coming over.

Joey waited in anticipation, as if he knew he'd like this guy, no matter what.