Saturday, March 4, 2017

a friend, indeed

a friend, indeed

Ben wasn't sure what to say to Sky at the hospital.

Mae was so upset, hearing the news about Sky and Sam's baby, that he had to drive her. Of course, he didn't know what he was suppose to do now. Sam was in the corner waiting room sobbing. However, Sky, in spite of red-eyed and slumped over, he kept going in the premie-ward to check on the baby.

"Have..have you even named him?" Ben brought Sky some coffee from the nearby machine.

Sky only sighed as if he really didn't have the energy to talk about it. They sat in the hallway where there were a couple of cold iron chairs. Sky put his head down as he rested the coffee with his elbows on his knees. He really did look ill.

His frown was small, as he finally took a sip of black coffee. Ben could see Sky didn't like it, but he drank the bitter brew, anyway. As if there were some things he had to do..because, someone else wouldn't.

"She won't even go near the ward." He finally said above a whisper.

"What?" Ben didn't understand.

Sky shook his head, no. Tears dripped from his face.

He talked of his little sister Star. That was the last time he'd really had to be at the hospital, this way...when she died in a hit and run. Even then, he remembered..desperately, praying..for life.

"But..but you work here?" Ben looked at Sky, wide-eyed. He really didn't know him well, even if Sky used to work at the library, as a shelver. Sky was an x-ray technician now.

"That's different."  He sighed. He told Ben he was good at working on the machines when they malfunctioned.

Ben knew Sky was good with electricity and how things worked. Still, he wheeled people around in wheel chairs, as if that was part of his duty at the hospital, too.

"I'm.." Ben didn't want to say S O R R Y. "Look, there are so many things they have these days for infants like this." Ben reminded him. He patted Sky on the back. Before he knew it, Sky pulled him in for a hug. Sky needed someone for comfort, too.


  1. I hope things go well for the baby...hopefully the do go see the baby together..
