Friday, June 30, 2017

in the midst

in the midst

Joon knew he had to wait. He told Kramer he would. Kramer was bringing someone for Joon to meet, at the concert.

Joon went along with it, but he did have his doubts. When had Kramer ever done anything for him? As usual, Kramer never had any money. He expected Natalie to pay for everything.

Of course, Joon informed him early on, that was just not right.

"She's your girlfriend, shouldn't you pay the way?" Joon remembered telling Natalie's boyfriend.

Of course, Kramer was all goofy about modern times, how everything needed to be equal.

Joon guessed he didn't know anything. Of course, Joon got roped in to paying... 4 tickets for the concert. Thankfully, they were only ten bucks a piece and he'd brought a box of food for the food drive.

So now they were waiting for Kramer...and someone. Joon guessed it was a blind date. But there was something just not quite right.

He checked his watch.

"Why don't we go in?"The concert was at the football stadium. "They'll just have to find us." Joon told Natalie.

"But..but what about the tickets?" Natalie looked at him as if perhaps he'd planned this all along. So Joon went to the box office and left a note, who they were for.

"Let's go." he grabbed her hand as the crowd pushed on. She looked at him as if it were the unthinkable. "If he comes, he'll come."

Joon was straight lipped. He didn't mean to be the enemy. After all, it seemed so wraped. How could Natalie still have feelings for a guy who always left her hanging? Did she love him that much?

"I wish he didn't make you worry." He looked down to see she was holding his hand tight, as if she didn't want to get lost in the crowd.

She'd called Kramer, so many times, but he never answered.

Soon the music started. Joon couldn't believe there were so many people at this concert. Did they even know the name of the band?

There were a lot here because of the July holiday. There would be fireworks at the end of the concert. Also, half the proceeds went to the local food pantry.

After a few covers of old songs, Joon said they sounded pretty good. Natalie smiled as they both got into the grove of the rock music.

And then, the lead singer started a old school punk song by Richard Hell, I COULD LIVE WITH YOU IN ANOTHER WORLD.

Joon smiled. He wasn't sure he wanted to admit that he knew that song. He was just about to say to Natalie, "This is really good." But instead, down below, was Kramer who had his arms about someone's shoulders. Her blond head was tucked under his chin. Joon winced. Was that suppose to be Joon's date?

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