Monday, December 11, 2017

the holidays get to me

the holidays get to me

Joon felt he had to be as sad as Natalie during their first real holiday together. Thanksgiving. He wasn't sure the 4th should count, but it didn't seem to matter, she was blue. All because of Holly not being home for the holidays.

"But..she's with Dustin." Joon reminded her that Holly and Dustin did get married. They hadn't invited any of them to the wedding. Granted, they couldn't have gone, anyway. They were in England now.

"She must be completely miserable." Natalie thought they should get a care box together.

"They're living with Dustin's mum." Joon didn't think it was the end of the world. Unfortunately, Dustin and Holly hit a snag coming back to the states.

"It ..would we went to Seoul and couldn't get back." She did make it sound frightful, and maybe it would be to her.

"But, we'd still be together." He smiled as if he did find joy, just working at the coffee shop with her. Yes, he wanted more and it wasn't anywhere near the practically married level, but he hoped some day it would be true.

"Right, we'd still be together." Somehow, she looked frighten at the thought. "I miss..I miss how it used to be."

Joon wished he could agree, but he wouldn't dare get in a fuss about it. Maybe she missed Kramer too. It was like an evil thought that possessed him from time to time, but he went on with his work at the coffee shop.

"You better do some facetime or snapchat with Holly." He would go on to say. Something to help the pain of her best friend being gone.

Still, he thought he was Nattie's best friend. Lord knows, he never put her in the fixes Holly could, wanting her to buy this or go to that. How could she miss such an annoying friend?

One thing for sure, he was happy to be Natalie's boyfriend. Seriously, he felt bad for that bloke Dustin.

He truly had his work cut out for him, to be Holly's love.

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