Friday, April 6, 2018

its a lovely idea

"Of course, I would be happy with anything you two would want." Doris looked at her son Draco and his fiancee Macy full of surprise. She hadn't expected a wedding this soon. She guessed it was a good idea she came back from Florida when she did.

"I just wanted you to know." Draco was so serious, not like that immature angst twenty-something she remembered. After all, he was thirty now.

Doris went to make tea and brought it to them to the kitchen table. Macy was holding the baby. Doris took him from her.

He was an easy baby. Not at all fussy. Doris smiled but felt her arms were weak as she plopped down in a kitchen chair with him. Stephen was so fair and big. Doris kept smiling, happy the baby would come to her. Still, she wasn't sure she could hold him long.

"Is there anything I can do?" Doris knew she couldn't afford much. She hated being so helpless. Naturally, she explained to Draco once more why she'd gone to Florida, to help one of his father's friends.

"How is Dad, anyway?" Draco said he'd been to busy to see him lately.

"Oh." She'd gone to the memory unit only once since she'd been back. "Okay." She guessed it was true, but he was distant and focused on the tangible project they had him working on. She'd only watched. It was still devasting to watch how feeble he actually was. She remembered how he could sit dazed watching TV for hours.

He'd been hard to handle, even then. He didn't want to do his exercises. Still, she felt at fault, but Doris didn't know what she could have done to change his outcome.

Draco nodded and squeezed her shoulder before he took Stephen from her.

"I'm really proud, both of you, getting married, like this." Doris looked forward to the wedding. She was so glad to see her youngest son, settling down and truly being someone's husband.

"And you know, Lily's gonna be in the wedding." Macy smiled.

"Is that so?" Doris found herself laughing softly. "I can't hardly wait." It was truly a family affair. It was good to see her son was a wonderful dad, too. She wasn't sure if that would be possible, until now.

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