Monday, April 30, 2018

its a tea party

The girls were probably Draco's number one fan. Of course, they never imagined he'd ever get married.

"You two are just in his art class," Ellie said while she was getting them dressed. Zoe was practically five and her little sister Chloe was three. This was going to be a completely different trip to see their favorite art teacher. They weren't going to the art museum.

But they were thrilled to be dressed up and to see Mommie in a dress. After all, it was the three of them on their own now. Ellie divorced Lon over a year ago, and she still felt as if she was getting used to the single life, again.

She was back in her family home and was happy to raise her girls where she'd grown up. However, most of her old friends moved on. She didn't have time to keep in touch. She was a dental hygienist now, leading an average normal life. Of course, going to a wedding was not how they spent an average day.

Once they arrived, the girls were excited and wondered if they could be flower girls.

"No," Ellie shook her head. "Don't you dare ask. This is no time to be troublemakers."

At least Zoe listened and got out her journal from her little purse and started writing. Zoe called it poetry, but it was mainly letters that weren't really words. Yet, Ellie was noticing a few simple words popping up.

Chloe looked up at her when they were seated. She didn't like the cold metal chair so Ellie put her in her lap.

For a moment, Ellie wondered if she was in the wrong place. Of course, she didn't know anyone at this wedding. She felt sad to be here, but she knew the girls had talked about the wedding all week. Their art teacher was getting married.

Ellie wondered now how Zoe knew these things. She always asked so many questions. He'd probably told her hoping she'd stop asking, but here they were.

When the music started Ellie almost jumped.

And then she saw him standing next to the groom. She couldn't take her eyes off of him. A chuckle shook her. It couldn't be. She hadn't seen him since first grade.

Zoe practically stood up when she saw the bride. Actually, the ceremony was so short. A few words said and it was done.

It wasn't long until the girls pulled her through the small crowd to the basement where the tables were laid out with teacups and saucers. There were sweet treats and little sandwichs and baby quiches on each table.

The girls were thrilled.

Actually, Ellie didn't have a chance to converse with anyone. There was one place still vacant at their table.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked.

Ellie looked up and saw his smile.

"Oh, no..please have a seat," she said.

He did. He poured tea for everyone from the teapot on the table.

"Almost forgot about that." Ellie gritted a smile.

"I didn't introduce myself." He shook hands with both of the girls and told them his name was Drew. "I used to go to school with your mom a long time ago."

The girls giggled.

"And he's the best man." Zoe smiled.

"Always, the best man but never the groom," Andrew said.

Ellie looked at the girls and then Drew. She had no idea where to start. She doubted the girls let her get a word in.

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