Saturday, May 25, 2019

in the know

It was true. Jools was in love and so..he thought everyone else should be in love, too. Except for Ste and Char. He'd noticed. Hadn't anyone else?

"You're gonna be his work wife if you don't watch out." By now, he could speak to Char openly about this sort of thing. He hung out at the bakery long enough to see what was going on.

"What?" She looked a little shocked by the revelation. Naturally, she said that couldn't be true. They were only co-workers.

"Open your eyes." Jools did his best to say it sweetly, but he added. "Before it's too late."

Char was closed mouth as soon as Ste came from the kitchen with something new for both of them to try. Jools sighed and looked at Char as if she was practically the cheese in a trap.

Char looked at Ste, wide-eyed and mentioned her boyfriend Diago could be an early morning driver for them. He could take the bakery goods to the Campus Coffee Shop. Ste nodded and went back to the kitchen.

"Don't you know someone, you could set him up with?" Jools was serious as he ate the ice cream sandwich that Ste had given him.

"I dunno. I don't- I hated when people used to set me up." Char shook her head, no.

Jools rolled his eyes at that. He'd have to think of something then. But would Ste be up for a blind date?

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