Thursday, May 23, 2019

to be us

Brian could see in Ivy's eyes that she thought they were far more intelligent than they were. It was as if they were two scholars who fell in love with life and perpetuated into the future.

Of course, he knew they were both shallow and maybe ignorant of what stability actually was. But they were fresh-faced with an infant. He listened carefully to the nurses because he knew Ivy wouldn't.

After all, she thought she knew everything, but he knew that wasn't true. If only they'd waited. Studied more skills, accomplished more goals, they might be in a library somewhere studying to their heart's content. But wasn't it true...ignorance is bliss.

Still, he felt to be on shaky ground. This new chapter in his life as a young father. They needed to get married. They'd come this far. Why not celebrate being a real family. He wanted his son to have his last name.

Maybe he was old fashioned, after all. Yet, he felt light-headed. Perhaps drunk on life or love. This was his essences now. He was full of "Yes, dear." situations. He couldn't help but hold the baby in his arms while watching them both sleep. Brian beamed with pride.

Still, in the back of his mind, he hated this fact his mother wasn't here. When had she ever been there?

He would not be like his mother. He would not be like any in his family. He would be devoted. He didn't care what it would take, but he would be here for moments like this and everything else.

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